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Submit Info
Welcome to the RF Generation Submit Info Pages. These pages will allow you to submit info for all of the database entries, and will even allow you to submit entries to add. Use the menu to select the action that you would like to complete. If this is your first time visitng the submit pages I highly suggest that you visit the FAQ page to learn some very important info. I also suggest that you visit the FAQ if you are confused about these pages.
Before you're overzealous to your home country
We know that you may or may not know whether or not the game you own is a region wide release, but we'd like for you to make a concerted effort to ensure that the title you are adding really exists. For example, you may live in the US. Therefore, you may think that all your games are US releases, right? Well, they are. But, more often than not, they are also Canadian and Mexican releases, and as such they are a North American Release. For the record, most modern releases in North America are region wide. I can actually look at the back of Mario Kart DS and see that this version of the game was not only authorized to be sold in the US but also Canada, Mexico, and Latin America! As a general rule of thumb, assume, unless you know otherwise, that the title that you are about to submit was a region wide release.
Please Read the following regarding image submissions!
We appreciate all submissions that you are willing to give RF Generation, but we need to adhere to certain standards so that there is consistency in our database. As such, please take note that your scans should be 550 pixels on the short side! Your submissions could be rejected if they do not meet these size requirements! Please also note that there are exceptions to this rule, for example, you don't really need a 550 pixel wide scan of a DS or GBA game. Use proper judgement! If you have any questions please contact a staff member, as we are more than willing to help you decipher our standards. We appreciate all submissions that are made, we just want to make sure your submissions are not in vain.
Site content Copyright © rfgeneration
.com unless otherwise noted
. Oh, and keep it on channel three