Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone in RFGeneration Land! I hope you're all enjoying your time with family and friends, or maybe just a day off work or school. And I know you're going to be tracking all those new games you get right here at RFGen. After you add them to your collection here, you can brag about your holiday scores on our forum. And then you can use your new found games to fill in some missing info in our database. Heck, you can probably spend all day right here, and you know what, in all that time you'll find many things, but there's one thing you will not find, advertisements. It's true, you can turn off your Ad Block Plus and nothing will change, no annoying pop-ups or banner ads. I wish I could say we can do this because it doesn't cost anything to have a website, but unfortunately, it does get rather expensive paying for a host that gives us as much storage space and speed as we need to run a database as large as ours.
In order to stay afloat, we rely solely on the donations of our members. Its those member donations that have kept us online for the past 8 years and hopefully for many more years to come. And even though we have just as many (if not more) video games in our database as Wikipedia, we don't quite need the $16-20 million they raise during their donation drives. But we do need roughly $1000 for a year's worth of hosting, so whether its $1 or $100, every bit helps us out. And every cent donated to us (minus PayPal's fee of course) goes to paying for our server. Our staff doesn't get a dime, despite their hundreds of hours of work, and the money will not pay for any contest prizes, that comes out of own pockets.
Now that you're surely wanting to give us some of your money, I'll sweeten the deal even more for you. Every donor will receive the super awesome Donor rank on the forum, which will give you access to a top secret forum board where you often get to read about upcoming news and features before everyone else. And thanks to the RFGeneration Collectorcast there are some extra special prizes. Everyone donating at least $5 will get their name mentioned on the Podcast, those donating $20 or more will have all of their scores mentioned in the next episode, and those donating $30 or more will get the download to the Episode 0 of the podcast. But wait, there's even more! The person who donates the most during our donation drive will receive an amazing prize pack including two items of their choice from
the RFGeneration store, plus some other goodies that will be donated by staff members.
The donation drive will end on February 1st, so you have roughly one month to participate in the contest. If you just want to give and don't care about the contest, feel free to donate $5, $20, or whatever you feel your experience at RFGeneration is worth.
If you're a little burnt out on cash due to the holidays, don't worry, you'll still be able to donate all year long, and it'll be as much appreciated then as it is now. You just may have to wait a little longer to get that sweet Donor rank on the forum, as I'll only be checking for new donations once a month rather than daily.
After spending over two years wasting forum space and my fellow RFGentleman's time with my incoherent ramblings, I figured it was high time to throw a few shekels towards the place's upkeep.
If a self-described cheap@$$ like myself can donate to the cause, so can you.
Thank you.
I've made a dew donations to this sit to keep it afloat. A little goes a long way.
Just made another donation today as my Christmas gift to the site.
I'll be mysterious for now, but I have a special gift for the person that donates the the highest SINGLE donation amount.
i donated once before and i think i will again this year, as soon as i can get money to paypal . also i find it really good to see how much you guys actually need to run the site, a lot of the time when you donate to something that says they're not for profit, you don't really know what they're putting the donations to or how much they actually need. i always knew it was going to server costs and i'm sure domain name registration and other little costs here and there, but it's nice to see an actual dollar figure. that's definitely a lot of money, i hope donations never dry up enough where staff need to cover that large a sum on their own.
on a side note, do the rfgen store earnings go to server costs too, or are all the prices listed there at cost + shipping? just curious 
@techwizard: Store is mainly cost + shipping. Think we get $1 profit for each purchase.
I'm looking forward to sharing everyone's support in upcoming episodes!
I can't wait to get paid at the end of the week. Want to donate!
Made yet another donation today.
Only $5 for now but after the year begins I will be donating regularly. Love RFGEN!
@Duke.Togo: He means everyone except Zagnorch!
@Crabmaster2000: The hell?
That's gratitude for ya.
@monkees19: The deed is done!It's not much but hopefully it'll help. Thanks for everything you guys do to make this site what it is.
Thanks to everyone who has donated thus far, we've raised over $100 already!
@Shadow Kisuragi: It had always been set at $1, but I changed it to $5 when I took over. But since that made the cheap stuff expensive, so its now at a 25% markup, which sounds like a lot, but its really $5 or less since most items are relatively cheap.