Just to refresh 2 wish feature option and one bug i believe
The app is great, i especially like the EAN scan option. Is almost perfect for me.
For me i would like to have 2 features:
- view and add comments for my games
-possibility to set a default folder when adding games. For example when i'm adding new ames i would like to go a folder "new adds" or similar, and i have always to change the folder for each game. If the app use the last folder used insted of always pre-select as default the collection folder will be great or it could be pre-selected in the first menu here are all folders visible.

I was trying to add hardware to my collection with the scan UPC code tool, but it always says it cannot find any result.
Here an example,
The UPC in database is correct and the same that i have, but always get me no results.
Does the app only checks for games?