I had a great NES haul today:
Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (cart only) - $5
Shadowgate (cart only) - $1
Kung Fu (cart only) - $1
Mappyland (cart only) - $1
Also got an NES tips book:
How To Win At Nintendo Games #3 by Jeff Rovin - $3
Rescue Rangers 2 is a grail for me, especially since the first one is one of my favorite games of all time. It's the first time I've ever seen it in the wild. And it's always awesome to get more NES games for a buck each, especially Shadowgate.
Normally don't pay that much for a shipped CIB Genesis game??? I thought I was cheap
Heh. I'm too used to getting most of my Genesis games for around $2-$3 each.