It occurred to me that it may be fun to try a game where we each see how fast/long it would take each of us to spend $200 on current gen games. It'll be interesting to see who buys a game new vs. used and what bargains can be had.
These can be new or used titles for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and/or Wii consoles. These can be obtained via store purchases or eBay. Online downloads do not count.
The $200 to spend has to come from our own money, and gifts/gift cards cannot be applied to these purchases.
Like in other threads (i.e."The Beaten in 2009..."), each of us is to reserve 1 space and modify it throughout the challenge. List each game purchased, by system, and amount spent. When you reach $200 spent, you're done.
1/7/09: Def Jam-Icon (Xbox 360), used CIB, $8.47.
1/12/09: Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360), NIB, $10.59.
1/14/09: Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360), NIB, $8.47. (Apparently the CC deal is the differnce + 10% of the difference...something the prior employee didn't know to account for. 2 bucks is 2 bucks!)
1/27/09: Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360), NIB on eBay, $31.00.
2/06/09: Stranglehold Collector's Edition (Xbox 360), used CIB, 8.68.
2/06/09: Fallout 3 Limited Edition (XBOX 360) NIB on eBay, $53.26
2/12/09: Soul Calibur 4 (Xbox 360) NIB at Circuit City closeout, $31.79
2/27/09: Mercenaries 2: WIF (Xbox 360) NIB at Best Buy, $10.59. Reimbursed for 2nd copy of Ninja Gaiden (-$8.47).
3/3/09 Halo Wars LE (Xbox 360) NIB ($84.79)...going to try selling the Halo 3 map pack card to offset the cost; we'll see how that goes. At this point I'm over the $200, though.
3/8/09 Sold the Halo 3 Mythic Map code on ebay ($40), but with listing fees it comes to about $38.50 or so, so I'm still over the $200 limit.
Total games thus far for 2009: $200.67. Strategy guides (obviously not games, but I felt like tracking them separately anyway):
2/6/09: Bought 3 new strategy guides from Circuit City (Fallout 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, and Soul Calibur 4) for $33.38 total.
2/6/09: Soul Calibur 4 Limited Edition strategy guide, new eBay: $10.50.
3/1/09: Street Fighter 4 strategy guide, from Amazon: $12.50.