Since the beginning of the year I've dropped 35 pounds down to ~185.
That's pretty good going.
I dropped 125 pounds in one year, myself...
...and gained 50 of it back over the next two years.
Fortunately, I'm back on a downward trend again, thanks to (largely) a more positive attitude, and getting a more regular and consistent workout routine in.
I haven't been able to go to the gym in the last three weeks due to my shitty gall bladder and I feel like garbage.
Could be the tequila consumption.
But yeah, it sucks when you just plain don't feel like doing stuff, be it for physical reasons or otherwise.
I've probably gained about 8 of that back.
Hey, that's way better than gaining back all the weight you'd lost since the start of the year. Besides, as you get back into your routine, you should find yourself trending downward again. Just gotta stick with it is all.
This past week I've felt pretty good so I'm going to go back on Monday. Wish me luck!
More power to you, fine sir.
As for myself: Over the past couple days, I've been doing a few sets of standing free-weight reps without much complaint from the ankle.
I even upped the weight a bit on my bent-over-rowing and dumbbell-bench-press workouts, and added a set of ab-wheel reps so I can really feel the burn.
Gonna throw some balance-ball exercises into the mix, as soon as I get me a new balance ball.
I can't wait to get back up to full hiking health, since that's where the majority of my cardio comes from. It's also the most enjoyable part of my routine. Just another week to go...