The pic contains all the eBay stuff that I managed to fit into my suitcase after visiting my parents for Easter. I get a lot of stuff from eBay wins shipped to my parents to save on shipping costs, so it's always nice when I visit them or they visit me, lots of new goodies
There's a bunch of commons in there, but the best things are probably the CIB Asian Version games (Zelda, SMB, SMB 2), and the lot of SuperVision games (including a Famicom SuperVision cart...never knew those existed!). A bunch of the Famicom pirates on the left are really cool as well, several 16 bit games hacked to play on the NES/Famicom, and a Mach Rider hack called Mario Rider = Mach Rider with a cheesy Mario head instead of the motorcycle helmet
The converter with the FC SuperVision cart is also cool as it's a blatant Honey Bee ripoff...I knew they never made black converters, and I was reassured when I noticed the converter had Honey
Boe written on it
Same honey bee logo and everything, though
The cib games are also nice, as the majority of them were unexpectedly MIB with the plastic bags and everything.