They're calling Americans stupid. It reminds me of high school when the majority of my classmates listed Europe as a country that was involved in would war 2. When the teacher said that I lost faith in everyone else in that class.
Oh! Well now I get. Ever notice that the license plates for New Mexico say "New Mexico USA?" That's because a huge amount of Americans think New Mexico is a foreign country, and not an actual state. My kid, who is 3, will be learning geography by next year if I can help it.
Britain isn't much better. On a British forum I go on there was a thread asking where people want to live and it basically turned into teasing Americans for being stupid. An English person posted in America's defense with this
Easy for me America or it's slightly dumber cousin Canada.
I've wanted to live in the states for as long as I can remember & sooner or later (probably later tbh) I will move there.
Current states I'd like to move to would be...
New England
Other than that I'm not interested in moving anywhere else in the world.
But then there was that American Footballer who recently came to play a match in London who said he didn't realise they spoke English in London. That's partly true because it's full of foreigners.
Most countries would be great if it wasn't for the poeple in them.
@Three...those pictures are cool.
I like the second to last one.