^ I trust it, I just don't trust Zagnorch Earth. Nothing looks right on Zagnorch Earth.
Whattaya talkin' about? Everything on Terra is just fine and dandy! It's a virtual Utopia!
You're just jealous 'cuz you can't visit it.
You know, seeing as how it's all in my imagination and stuff.
[img width=468 height=281]http://greenphillyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/earthday.jpg[/img]
Zagnorch Mail will read and delete crappy emails for you. And also it will send (bad) porn to all your contact list, from time to time.
Or, in your case, da furry pr0nz.
Ya freako.
But no smut featuring homewrecking sluts, I promise.
[img width=700 height=560]http://seemslegit.com/_images/b6678556feed380466ef9987f10cc5f0/3568%20-%20amy_rose%20shut_up%20sonic_the_hedgehog%20video_games.jpg[/img]
That's no good.