Shelf brackets holding the CD Drive:
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Today I was looking into powering my PSOne screen from the PC PSU. I found I needed either a 7808 or an LM317 voltage regulator. So off I merrily went to Maplin where I asked for an LM317, having picked it out in their catalogue.
[RANT]Then I asked the guy if he could tell me how to connect it to change 12v to 7.5v. A simple yes or a no would have been fine. Instead he said it would say in the catalogue which one I need, then when I asked for basic instructions he said to search on Google for it. But being the kind man he was, he disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a printout of some random looking diagrams and specifications.
Me: "Ok, what am I looking at?"
Him: "If you read it, it will say how to connect it."
Me: "Sorry, I can't understand it..."
Him: "Read it and it says how to use it."
To me it just looked like specifications with a few performance graphs thrown in.
Me: "I don't know how to understand what you've given me"
Him: *HUFF* "It's not for you, then!"
So he took me to a shelf with some kits to build various basic circuits. He showed me a 1amp AC/DC power supply then said I don't need half of it because I'm only using DC/DC. So it was £10 for about four 50p components. Fuck that, fuck him, fuck Maplin!
I dumped what I had in my hands on the floor and just walked out.
[/RANT]When I was home I remembered a box of electronic bits I was given years and years ago. I found a 7805 in it, but no 7808s. That means 5V instead of 8V. So I took the kind man's advice and looked on Google where I found a diagram of how to change a 7805 to output 8V. Tada! my PSOne screen is now powered by the PC's PSU.
I'm thinking of integrating it into the box lid somehow.
So that was the fun of my day...