Me and someone I work with were coming up with idea's... we could only come up with 2, but here they are...
1. get a trench coat, burn software and music, and sell it at school. you could charge like $.50 a CD, and have a DVD with all of one bands music on it for like $5.00.
2. roll your own cigarettes. I guess its really cheap... sell them. the bad thing about this, is where are you going to roll' em? any ideas...
how else can you make money, besides upskirting, thats just gay and sick.
Everyone owns a CD/DVD burner now and nearly everyone has a highspeed net connection.
#1 would have worked better for you 5+ years ago.
Rolling your own cigs from left overs you find in the street is going to get your stupid ass beat.
Selling cigs at school could work for you if you can get someone to buy real ones for you and you sell them individually for 25-50 cents.
Becoming a drug dealer increases revenue quickly too.
I bet you can find some painkillers or antipsychotic/depressent meds floating around in someones house.
5$s or more a pill adds up quick.
Travel to the nearest street corner and sell yourself(or pimp your brother. there is a higher paying market the younger they are
). Male prostitutes don't really get the option of using condoms though so be prepared to catch something.
Use the trenchcoat idea but instead rob stores and bootleg the stuff at school or on eBay.
You would be amazed how many people don't care if something is stolen
I could keep going on and on but my ideas will not be anything you probably haven't thought of.