I liked Earthbound. In fact, it was an addiction. Certainly it was one of the better games I've played in the recent past. As such, it pained me when Mother 3 was not released stateside. I needed the opportunity to pretend that I was high when I really wasn't. I also needed the opportunity to play a game in one of the quirkiest series ever devised (View my Opinion of EarthBound
here). So, it saddened me greatly when Mother 3 was not localized.
Turns out though, that Iwata-san is a huge fan of Mother 3. It probably has to do with the fact that the company he was previously president of (HAL Labs) helped to develop the Mother games with its primary developer, Shigesato Itoi. Reggie, on the other hand, not so much of a fan of the Mother series. But, Reggie did let out a very interesting comment about Mother and the Virtual Console:
It certainly is a franchise near and dear to [Iwata's] heart, and it's something I'm trying to get smart on to understand whether or not there is an opportunity here. But certainly I've seen the success in Japan. That hasn't gone unnoticed. And it's certainly something we're looking at.
So, will Mother 3 be localized for the Virtual Console? God I hope so!