I got past the berserker first time when I tried again. Pretty easy. I just usually lose interest after dying a few times. A ten minute break is long enough most of the time. It's a really good game so far. I'm onto Act 2 now.
I'm playing on Casual just to get into it but it might be a bit too easy. I'll play through then try it on Hardcore. I played God of War through on medium and enjoyed the story but then I played on hard and enjoyed the slight increase in skill needed.
I noticed someone was online who I know has Gears of War, so I had a quick one-on-one with him. It was a good laugh. As usual the person I was playing said they were rubbish then beat me more than I beat them.
I got a few kills in then had to walk the dogs.
It's got great graphics except for the textures being low quality on close up angles. What I meant by "hard to aim" is the "left a bit, right a bit" kind of thing.
In other gaming related diary entries, I saw Gameboy Micros were £9.99-19.99 in Comet, so I went in to the first one where the only one they had was pink and £19.99. I went to the other store where they had a few silver and green ones. But the tag on the shelf said £29.99 and £24.99. I asked them to scan them but they were adament that the price was right.