I played:
Burnout Revenge - at 85-87%
Jade Empire - I only got to the cave in the marshes. Trying to find/save Dawn Star.
Nanostray - Just messed around on normal and hard modes.
R-Type III - Only got to the end of the first level then started playing Xbox since the TV was free.
Halo 2 - Beat my bro in a snipers match on Lockout. I was surprised how much better i did from the last match with him. He is still playing ALOT and i am still not playing at all.
Also played a shit load of Boggle. Not a video game but i kicked ass at it.
Fun "family" game. More fun without kids though since you can come up with better words and have to deal with fewer fake words.
And played Monopoly. There were only 3 people but i knocked the other two out in a few hours. I only won so easy because i ended up with all 4 railroads the whole street bewteen Jail and Free Parking and the shitty purples.
Hotels were alot cheaper for me so i built them up and kept them from making enough money to build their own.
Plus i got really lucky rolls