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Posts: 1966
« Reply #5584 on: December 14, 2012, 10:35:21 AM » |
Epic Mickey 2: Played co-op for about an hour. This game has the most bugs of any game I've played all year. I keep wanting to enjoy it.
Crap. This sounds a lot like Epic Mickey 1. I've heard that the 3DS game is good although a little on the easy side. I completed Epic Mickey 1 and actually enjoyed it. In Epic Mickey 2 there are several times where the enemy that is needed to complete the level can't be defeated because it is has clipped in to a barrel or some other object. Normally you could thin your way out of it but you are being pulled towards said frozen enemy (like a black hole) and can barely move. If that happens restart from checkpoint is your only option. There is a Demo for the 3DS game and it did sound interesting and then I found this: http://www.neogaf.com/for...m/showthread.php?t=499422
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 10:48:36 AM by Addicted »
Stephen Kick: “The thing about classic games was that they were the first for an entire generation. Successive works are going to be important to individuals and even to groups, but never to a whole generation in the same way.”