Just beat Metal Gear Solid 4. What a game!
Right?!?! There is a rumored patch coming in August that will add Trophy Support, which will probably get me to play through again. I'm certainly looking forward to that.
Started playing Final Fantasy 13. Great looking game and the story is quite interesting as well.
One thing that annoys me is the "cinematic" camera they decided to implement. When you move it around and let go of the analog stick it keeps on swooshing, making it hard to point the camera exactly where you want it. Equally annoying is the delay you get when moving the left analog stick and the character actually starting to run. And when you run the character to the side of the screen, there's (again) a delay in the camera following the character. So for a second or so, the character is almost about to run out of the screen, instead of being dead center all the time. All of this just makes it cumbersome to move around. But other than that, the game is great.
That camera angle annoys the crap out of me, too. Other than that, I found the game to be pretty fun, but I got sidetracked and never finished it.
I got a new high score on Star Fox 64 the other day. I got 1561 hits, and I still feel that I have enough room on some levels to get to 1600. I think I'll go practice Corneria again so that I can hit 190 consistently.