Finished Feed me Oil on the phone
Wits & Wagers - need to get all 700 questions. I have over 24 hours of turboing into this so far. Hopefully i get it tonight.
Fable Pub Games - started it. Also had to replay the beginning of Fable II so i could import a hero since i had previously deleted my save.
Minecraft(XBLA) - the guys i am playing with have been building a rather impressive castle. I am not totally pulled in by the game. I can definitely see the allure though. If i was playing on PC with friends i would be more likely to be hooked.
Crackdown 2 - popped this in to help someone else finish getting through all the stunt rings. Going to have to redelete all the DLC now. Already reshelved it. Put probaly 3 hours into leveling my character while waiting for the guy. I did really enjoy this game

EA Active 2 - did nothing today. Going to have to double up tomorrow.... :-/
Oh and Wordament again. My average has been slowly climbing. I am at 100k points though so i think i will probably end up hitting the 250k before i make it into the top score for averages.