I would like to see a list of the NTSC NES manuals.
EDIT: List updated:
Spare boxes:
Magic Johnson's Fast Break
Super Off-Road
Tecmo Super Bowl
Spare manuals:
Licensed games:
Adventure Island, Hudson's
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom, Disney's (*)
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Bad Street Brawler
Bases Loaded (-1)
Batman (-1)
Battle Chess (*)
Bionic Commando
Bug Bunny Birthday Blowout (*)
California Games
Caveman Games
City Connection
Cobra Triangle (two copies)
Conflict (guide map)
Conquest of the Crystal Palace
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum
Defender of the Crown
Dirty Harry
Double Dragon III
Dragon Warrior
F-15 Strike Eagle
Fester's Quest
Hunt for the Red October
Ikari Warriors
Immortal, The (two copies)
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Kid Kool
Krion Conquest
Legacy of the Wizard
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda (“map and strategiesâ€ÂÂ)
Little Nemo Dream Master (*)
Low G Man (*; two copies)
Major League Baseball
Marble Madness
MechaNized Attack (*; two copies)
Monopoly (two copies)
Monster Party (two copies)
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II (*)
Ninja Gaiden III
Nintendo World Cup
Power Punch II
MTV Remote Control (*)
Roger Clemen's MVP Baseball
Silent Service
Skate or Die
StarTropics (*)
Super Mario Bros (no part number)
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt (missing cover)
Tecmo Baseball (missing cover)
Tecmo World Wrestling
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Track & Field II (two copies)
Zelda II: Adventure of Link (two copies, one is missing cover)
Unlicensed games:
Baby Boomer
Fantasy Zone
Road Runner
Super Sprint (two copies)