Well i do plan on paying for the 15$ for the 3 months next round.
So you can both count on at least 5k then
While typing i noticed i got attacked a few mins ago.
I lost 2.5ish thousand.
Attack the person back and got nearly 11k in 2 attacks
So i upgraded my Hero Altar again
9 heroes whoooo
hah here is the messages he sent me:
dude next time only attack once
izret101 (May 01, 3:41pm CST)
Well i was going to try and get my money back or at least do soem good damage.
But i lucked out and you had no defense so i got enough to upgrade my hero altar.
Sorry i took so much
but thanks fpor the upgrade
flamedragon (May 01, 3:37pm CST)
why u do that