My favorite has to be the first game. While I really liked A Link to the Past, there is just something about the original that stirs up great memories.
The first time I saw it at a local Lionel's Playworld. I was in awe. "Oooooo" a gold cartirdge! And the 3 day marathon to beat the game. And it didnt stop there, me and my brother played the hell out of The Legend of Zelda. We mapped every item, burned every bush and exploded every inch of the map to find all of the secret entrances.
Beating the game wasn't enough. I had to beat it faster and better than "little Tommy" down the block  :ownedsign: Gannon was my bitch ÂÂÂ
While there have been many games in this series over the years, and many great ones at that!
The Legend of Zelda still stands above the rest in my book  |D