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Author Topic: Do any of you watch Antiques Road Show?  (Read 6089 times)
DB Contributor
United States
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« on: October 17, 2005, 06:27:05 PM »

So the wife and I don't have cable so we only get about 3 or 4 tv channels. Antiques Road Show is something we watch from time to time. I always wonder when I am going to see video games on there (probally never, I know). I would even settle for seeing old simple electronic games or pinball machines or something. I'm sick of seeing these old cast iron toys from 1910, I want to see some of my toys on there. What are your thoughts on this? Or does anyone here even watch Antiques Road Show?
+5 Insightful
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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 06:45:45 PM »

(I am assuming here, but) The vast majority of the people that watch that show have never touched a video game console, unless it was while wrapping it for christmas for the grandkids.  Plus, I doubt that the 'experts' they have on the show know next to nothing about the worth of some of the rarer video games.  In short, I doubt you will ever see any video games on there, at least not for a few more decades.  

I sometimes watch it, if i am channel surfing and they have something interesting on.  Its funny to see the people that come on the show expecting their old, beat up piece of furniture to be worth 15K, and then are told that its merely worth $15.

I never proofread before hitting the submit button, this is why every single one of my posts has been edited in the first minute after being submitted.
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« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 07:40:35 PM »

yea i watch the show.
Nohing remotely like video games have ever come up.
Don't expect it to either.

They are antique to us but i HIGHLY doubt as Hydro said that any of those experts know anything about games.
I actually don't think i have seen anything electronic on that show.
There is a posibility that one of those afformentioned toys where some form of electronic though.

nintedo completist
United States
Posts: 826

« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 11:01:40 PM »

actually someone did bring in a old 2600 system and they gave a estimate of 200.00 dollars which was way off..but I watch the show all the time and i think they way over state prices to get people to watch and come into the show..I could be wrong but I think one of the appraisers got in trouble for stating a price of a sword way way over the actual value so he and the owner of the sword could make some big bucks at a acuction it was sold at.Whats amazing to me is the mint boxed stuff people bring in...who really thought to put away a toy from the 1800s in its box and never touch it...if i had a toy when i was little it got played with

need last 3 nes items  chubby cherub box, stadium event manual and complete myriad
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« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 11:53:47 PM »

here is a link to there site with the video game segment
loves White Castle!
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« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2005, 06:16:22 AM »

a little off the topic but still on the theme of video games being considered antiques...

at Henry Ford Museum in Michigan there is an exhibit that is presented as a walk through the decades. there's a display from I think the 30's till the 80's or 90's I believe. there are several video games in the exhibit.

Atari Pong, Gameboy, Mattel Football, Simon, Merlin and others. It's pretty funny seeing stuff in my collection and that I still play and remember getting new in a museum. I need to go take some pictures.

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« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2005, 07:27:57 PM »

So what if I change the question a little and ask: Assuming video games were on the show, what would we see? They usally only show stuff the producers think we will think is intresting. Would we be seeing mint NES's in the box or would it be rarer but used stuff like a Vectrex or a RDI Halcyon?

It's all useless speculation I know, but I've been wondering about it lately.
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« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2005, 07:36:31 PM »

So what if I change the question a little and ask: Assuming video games were on the show, what would we see? They usally only show stuff the producers think we will think is intresting. Would we be seeing mint NES's in the box or would it be rarer but used stuff like a Vectrex or a RDI Halcyon?

It's all useless speculation I know, but I've been wondering about it lately.

 Video games have been on the show. they were talking about
ATARI 2600 games and had them boxed and loose along with
a VCS game system. here is a link to the ROAD SHOW web
site talking about the actual segment with some pictures

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United States
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« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 07:47:49 PM »

Sorry I didn't meen to ignore your post FND. I did actualy go to the site and read all about it before I made my last post. I made that last question up as I think the consensus is that we don't really see many electronics toys on the show and what would we see if they were more common. Like if there was one segment per show devoted to them.
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« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 08:14:11 PM »

Oh OK In That case here is my take on your question

From watching the Road Show it seems they show items in one of three categoies
1) Very Expensive Rare items
2) Fake, counterfeit Items
3) New upcoming collectable items

Since they have already done the New upcoming collectable items dealing
with Video games (Atari 2600). I would not be surprised to see a item like
the NWC Gold NES cart or possibly a fake Atari Airworld prototype.
Achievement Whore
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United States
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« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 10:08:24 PM »

I though I read long ago that a 2600 had been on the show. Didnt they say that a Combat cart would fetch up to 10 bucks loose?


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« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 10:39:57 PM »

Actually it was Pac-Man

 Here is their correct answer to one of the multiple choice questions
on the road show page, Notice I said THEIR correct answer

Pac-Man, $5 - $10 ; Tooth Protectors, $100 - $200 ; Quadrun, $500 - $1,000
Achievement Whore
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« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2005, 07:41:25 AM »

Didnt they say a system would go for $100?

Sega Master System
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Champion of
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2005, 07:05:55 AM »

forget selling my pac-man carts on the bay, i will just sell a few here and there on the road show. lol.

Have you played Pitfall II today?

[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/atari_wizard.png[/img]
Jaguar CD
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« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2005, 03:27:38 PM »

I guess they don't know about Music Machine for the 2600.

I don't remember seeing any kind of electronics appraised but I haven't watched many new shows from this year or the year before.
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