SNES1: Games list
SNES2: Community-decided victory conditions
SNES3: Completed games list
SNES4: Claimed games list
SNES5: Community goals!
This is obviously stylized after the NES2019 challenge from oh-so long ago. The rules are mostly the same, but we're coming at this four years later with some members dropped, more intensive work situations, and oh hey, we get to experience the magic of a 16-bit console!
Rules to participate:These are almost exactly the same as the NES2019 challenge, and are mostly copy-pasted.
- Be a member of the forum
- Have hardware available to play SNES games. Emulated versions of SNES games (such as Nintendo Switch Online) are acceptable as long as you avoid Save States, Cheat Codes, Mods, Hacks or any other method that would alter the original intent of the game
- Must post of a picture or video of your accomplishments when you finish a game or achieve a highscore
- Unless you’re posting videos of your plays this is on the honor system so please don’t cheat your way through any titles or get someone else to complete a game for you or any other method that would corrupt the integrity of this community challenge.
- Standard Controllers encouraged for most games, but any controller you are comfortable with is acceptable. Super Scope, Miracle Piano, etc. are all usable for their respective titles. Please don't use extra features that many non-standard controllers may provide such as Turbo Buttons or Slow Mode.
- Outside resources such as guides, maps, walkthroughs, tips n tricks books, having a second person helping the player solve puzzles, etc are all acceptable. Try to play each game as it was intended to be experienced at first, but a little extra help every now and then is totally cool
- Codes are not acceptable unless they are taught to the player either within the game or the materials that came packed with the game. For example the Konami code or continue code in Ikari Warriors are restricted, but the continue code for Adventure Island or Solomon’s Key are acceptable since they are taught to the player in the game manual and pack-in poster respectively (I'm honestly not familiar enough with the SNES to have an equivalent.
- As saving became bigger in this era of gaming, I feel that I must add a rule about saving: All in-game forms of saving are okay, just no save states.
- High scores, passwords, etc. must be posted here (although you can also post it elsewhere also if you want) Part of the goal of this is to increase interest in the forums.
- Yes,
John, Star Fox 2 is included in the game list.
This is a community effort to tackle the SNES library and as such the spirit of this challenge is to encourage each other to participate and succeed. This is not a competition so please freely share tips and advice for challenging games or sections of games. Players are encouraged to share passwords if they want to break up long tedious games or need someone else to tackle a particularly challenging section. As long as all players involved are member of the RFGeneration forums this is an acceptable, and encouraged, way to finish a game. All members will have their usernames noted next to any games they have completed as a record of their participation.
Multicarts don't count as individual games, although they can be used to finish the original games if you so desire. I am currently undecided about games like Super Mario All-Stars; let's come to a consensus in the comments.
(This is a paraphrase of this rule from NES2019:
If you are unsure as to what is required to consider a certain game to be “finished” please check the post below for clarification. Games that have multiple releases will only be counted once. For example just because there is a cartridge for Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet/Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt the Duck Hunt game only needs to be beaten once on any of these carts to qualify.)
Claiming rules: Claiming starts on the 12th. You are only allowed to claim one game at a time, just as it was in NES2019.
Not required, but a short synopsis of your time with each game would be greatly appreciated. Did you have fun with it? What where the biggest challenges to finishing the game? Do you intend to try more games of the genre/publisher/year? Would you revisit it later or recommend it to another player? How does it compare to other similar games you’ve played?
None of this is set in stone and I'm open to community discussions.
Let’s all play some SNES, talk about SNES games and have fun!!!
Happy 2025, everybody, and let's get this ball rolling. Let's get people interested in RFGen again! I'm planning on ordering a capture card for my real hardware SNES to stream gameplay and while I save up for it and wait for it to arrive, I'll be emulating the games.