I guess it all depends on how you interpret the bible. A quick google search shows up several pages with verses that some consider to be anti-gay, while some think they're just fine.
http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibl.htm for example.
You got me there it is all in how you interprat it. But the bible never explicatly says guy should not love eachother. It does say something about sex only between married couples and only for procreational purposes though. So i could have just agreed with you but i wanted to see if you had any facts.
At least he won't have money to start new wars.
It is funny you should mention this also.
I don't know if anyone else here has been paying attention to this but if Social Security does get privitized that takes away from gov. funds.
(Going off on a slight tangent now)
A few of the issues Bush tries to get going are going to go against Democrats ideals and force them to change thier platforms if they do get put in place.
Did anyone know when Bush strted his work in Texas it was a mostly Dem. state? 10 years later almost completely republican because of policies he helped to get set in place.
I don't fully agree with Reps. or Dems. i am more or less down the middle on thier issues.
Who else liked Dean and/or McCain here?