Awesome collection man! I especially like your controller collection, as that is what I'm primarily collecting right now as well, and there's not many of us out there.
I agree, some of the Beeshu controllers are very hard to come by, although many NES accessories are tough to find (aside from the few common ones of course)...I also noticed in the pic with your boxed controllers that you have a different Remote Controller...from what company is that one? And is the Pocket Pad controller from Champ or Recoton?
This is also the first time I've seen a QS Python 2 box with "Joystick" on it...on a similar note, though, I do have a QS FlightGrip with "Controller" on the box...I guess these are maybe from the first production run or something.
Again, great collection man! If you ever want to share info/suppliers of NES accessories or do a trade, let me know