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RF Generation Message Board | Gaming | Community Playthroughs (Moderators: techwizard, singlebanana, wildbil52, GrayGhost81, Disposed Hero, MetalFRO) | Episode #64 - RF Generation Playcast (Super Mario Land & Super Mario Land 2) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. « previous next »
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Author Topic: Episode #64 - RF Generation Playcast (Super Mario Land & Super Mario Land 2)  (Read 5937 times)
United States
Posts: 7081

« on: August 21, 2019, 02:20:33 PM »


RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
Nintender Tape
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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2019, 05:56:21 PM »

[img width=300 height=420]https://theallandtheevery.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/fonzi.jpg[/img]

Podcast Crew
Posts: 13568

« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2019, 08:05:06 AM »

King A$$hole for the month!! Woot!!

Would love to see Mac Sabbath, enjoy the who Rich!!

Ready Player One is my least favorite movie I've ever seen in my life. Such a frustrating watch. I totally agree with you that people complaining about it for having the wrong references or difference challenges than the book had are missing the point. There are many reasons to dislike the movie, but those aren't good ones. I could go on and on and on (I had a pretty decent post in Shawn's review blog, but I can elaborate on that much further too), but my biggest 2 complaints are the idiocy of everyone in the movie and The Shining scenes. The Shining scenes are a personal issue because my son was a huge fan of the book along with me. Knowing the content and tone of the story I made the decision to take him to the movie with my wife and I when it opened. Figuring they wouldn't be able to recreate the movies from the book like War Games or Quest for the Holy Grail (though I was really hoping for that one) I was curious to see what movie they would adapt. The entire Shining sequence my son was petrified and kept asking if he was even allowed to watch it, particularly when they were swinging an axe at a naked zombie. It was so jarring for him and something I definitely didn't expect even though I'd read the book and seen the trailers for the show. Was not a pleasant experience in the theater with my young son.

The stupidity of the characters throughout the movie was crazy though, like unforgivably crazy. No body could figure out how to try driving the course for the first challenge backwards for 5 years? ANY kid would have solved that in a single day. Bad guy invites an incredibly computer savvy character (Wade) to his evil lair and leaves his secret password on a post it note on his chair for him to see? H is supposed to be an intelligent gunter, yet purposefully hasn't seen one of Halliday's favorite movies of all time? IOI hires the best Halliday scholars around to help with all the challenges and not one of the huge group of them can think of the Adventure easter egg when they get to the final challenge?

So many other things bug me too like the Oasis just being an entertainment device rather than such an important piece of social technology where everyone went to school, worked, etc. was also super disappointing. Changing Shoto's name in the movie makes Diato's name no longer make sense, why not change them both or neither of them? Did Ogden just straight up cheat the rules/intention of the whole hunt when he gave Wade the coin? The whole ending of the book was a special moment when Wade and Artemis get to meet for the first time, let's just get that out of the way early on so they can get all smoochy at the end instead! UGH, I'm working myself up just talking about this dumb movie so I need to stop now......

Totally agree that Avatar sucks, but Ready Player One sucks so much harder!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Saturn, but I gotta agree with you guys that the PS1 just has more of everything. In Shawn's desert island scenario I'd have to go PS1.

I also enjoyed the Miley Cyrus episode of Black Mirror Shawn. You're not alone!

Great pick ups as usual Rich!!

Hank Pymm is the original Antman/Giant man. You guys nailed it!

Just got to the main topic, but have to stop. Pick up the rest later! Fun show guys!

PS - laughed my ass off when Rich was correcting the year of Twisted Metal for PS3 and mistakenly called the system the PS2 and Shawn said something about him stacking mistakes on top of mistakes. classic!

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2019, 08:34:07 AM »

Congrats on your new title Crabby, perhaps you could retain it next month. Smiley

You make some good and valid points about Ready Player One. Maybe it was the mood I was in that day. Just wanted to watch something fun with the kids and it really scratched the itch for all of us. Like I said, I went in with very low expectations and came out of it pretty satisfied. I dunno, I'm usually the opposite; if I know I'm going to hate something going in, I extremely rarely (never) come away with a positive attitude.

You know, I didn't think of that Shining scene being scary. My kids did okay with it and are very sensitive. I guess the DOOM helped. Wink

UH OHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......PS1 love. Do we have a podcast divided? I hope you guys tackle this on the next show.

If you made it to the main topic, you must have listened to "Fear of the Dark."  I have to say, one of the best songs to hear live.

Glad you are enjoying the show. Update us on your thoughts when you finish. Thanks for listening!

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
United States
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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2019, 12:20:00 PM »

Another great podcast guys! Its always great to have something to listen to at work for a couple hours. As for the pronunciation of my username, I pronounce Stubbes like a ticket stub.

I also have a correction for you all about the exclusivity of Danganronpa series to the Vita. All of the Danganronpa games on that are on the Vita are also available on the PS4 in a physical release. The first two games are available as Danganronpa 1-2 Reload, The third game has a stand alone release as Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony and as part of the Danganronpa Trilogy that includes all three of the main games. Even the third person action/adventure spin-off, Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, is available on the PS4 in a physical format. The spin-off apparently takes place between the first and second games and the story revolves around Makoto's younger sister Komaru Naegi.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 12:23:03 PM by Mr_Stubbes » Logged

Podcast Crew
Posts: 13568

« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2019, 08:14:44 AM »

I don't have much to add to the discussion for the actual games you guys talked about. You both nailed it and brought up everything I thought needed to be said.

Maybe Bil will rep the Jaguar CD and we can have a three way Gen 5 Console Battle Royale on the next Collectorcast!!!

I did catch the Fear of the Dark in there. Honestly the album prior to that is when the band lost me. I LOVE every single album from Iron Maiden to Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, but after that I'm lucky if I like a single song of most of their albums. Fear of the Dark just doesn't hit for me like their prior stuff does.

Great show guys and great clip MetalFRO!

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
Posts: 10

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« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2019, 10:50:57 PM »

Oh man, over-eating in the evenings is my problem, too. I do really good all day and and then when the kids go to bed I loose all inhibitions.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 09:00:49 PM by calebjross » Logged

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