Hey now...
I just gotta make sure the friggin' thing actually posts when I want it to.
Whoops again!

I had a PM exchange with one of the admins about this little problem. Apparently, the programmed-release time is set to U.S. East Coast time, which is 3 hours ahead of the Pac Coast. Gotta take note of that for next year's NSSS...
My aunt had a party a few years ago where you opened a random gift and you had one chance to swap it with someone elses. Of course most of it was jokes things like a whole Twilight movie collection and a shirt when no one was a little girl. I got like the only non joke thing and the one guy felt bad about the giant foam hand thing I got he traded me back my bluray movie (Empire Strikes Back) and I went home with the gift I brought.
But that would be an idea for this sometime is the Random Secret Santa. Someone picks the random number and they get the item linked to said number. Yes you would have people getting something they may not even want thats the problem with it. Still sounds fun. In our case it would still be all video game related of course. And not stray into goofy stuff not being mean spirited. Such as giving away Barbie for NES or Mary Kate and Ashley for Game Boy.
This whole Random-Secret-Santa deal is a bit too complicated for my inadequate cognitive capabilities. I prefer to keep it simple, myself-- hence the Not-So-Secret-Santa give-away. I offer a few items I wanna get out of the house, people claim them, I mail 'em off to the claimants, and that's pretty much all she wrote.