I know I'm way behind, but I finally got a chance to listen in just now. Really great discussion I thought (and not just because I'm heavily featured

). Dafoe is awesome. I'm really glad you brought up Life Aquatic, that's one of my favorites with him for sure. I'm a big Ellen Page fan as well so it was superb casting for me. Like Shawn said though if they hadn't cast actors that I'm into I'm not sure I'd have been quite as on board. With Until Dawn, which you guys brought up, I knew Dalton and Panettiere from Agents of Shield and Heroes respectively, but not well enough to have a strong opinion on them so I don't think it affected my enjoyment of the game. If they had cast even one actor that I dislike that could have flavored my experience poorly for sure. That's a risky proposition I think.
You guys made a strong counter point on my thoughts about the combat. Maybe it was because I've never played the chronological version, but I always assumed the CIA training was like 6 months tops. I was super surprised to hear Shawn say it was 3 years. If that is indeed the case then I'm far more inclined to side with Rich that Jody should have felt more competent as a fighter and controlled more efficiently.
I must have phased out during the credits, never noticed the Hans Zimmer involvement. Was really cool and interesting to hear the info you dug up on the transition of their previous composer to him.
Also in total agreement that the whole ranch sequence felt like DLC material. Makes me wonder if it was intended to be and then added in to pad out the game a bit more.
As was stated in the podcast this game really seemed to push it's narrative a bit too strongly compared to not just other Quantic Dreams games, but similarly cinematic games. More competition in this arena is going to keep showing up and I'm so glad Detroit took more cues from Heavy Rain in how the present opportunities to fail. While I do really enjoy Beyond a lot it is very forceful in the directions it wants the player to go, but for me these kinds of games should encourage role playing and really letting the characters and narrative lead you wherever you feel they should go.
I cannot wait to play Detroit again with you guys and I'm also super pumped for Die Hard and Dynamite Cop!!