Got a kick ass time beating a game?
Got a insanely high score?
Think your unstopable?
Post your best scores/times here and dare others to beat you!
Alright so just some general ground rules to keep things somewhat realistic and people not geting 10 billion points or beating a game in 15 minutes would be any sort of proof.
A pic is the easiest form of proof. Even if it isn't within everyones realm of possibility but it would definately make it easier for people to admit defeat to one of their hiscores.
Oh yea and no cheats. Whether they be button presses or GameShark or Action Replay.
I would like this to be based on peoples real skill and not how good they are at entering cheats.
O yea and BTW this isn't limited to just classic/arcade games.
Anything that has a score will work and any games that record the time to beat will work.
There is really no way to prove you beat a level on Halo 2 unless you record the entire thing which would be totally out of the question for some people (including myself).
Well thats about it for now... I hope to see people participate it would be nice to see some competition on here