Sorry you must have been boring me.
RFG Friend
Posts: 2212
« on: February 10, 2018, 06:09:21 AM » |
I use to go by freak_boy and was an early member of this site. I honestly can't say that I'll remember to come back here all that often if at all. But I kind of feel like it's important that I at least post this:
Back when I was in high school I was bullied pretty severely to the point where I was seriously considering suicide. I first found the video game bible at fifteen which then morphed this site helped me out a lot. Back then I only had one real friend in person, and simply didn't have the self-esteem to walk away from those who tortured me. Some of the older members like Antimind, Den68, Izret101, NESJunkie Arrrhalomynn, and the late Lord Nepenthean (as well as a few others but it's been a long time so if I left you out, I'm sorry) really helped me through a tough time in my life. I haven't looked back through my old posts, but I'm sure I posted some stupid ass shit and annoyed the crap out of a lot of you guys. But you guys were great friends to a depressed high school kid when he really needed it. I always considered most of the members of this site my friends and I honestly don't think I would be here today if it wasn't for you guys. You gave me support when I needed it most. So for that I can only say thank you.
An update on my life since I disappeared from this site just in case anyone was curious (or even remembers me): I'm about to turn 31, several years ago I finally able to get over my crush on the elusive Phia (older members may or may not remember her, turns out she's a lesbian -though looking back on our friendship I'm really not surprised-), worked as a machinist for a while (got laid off in 06 but didn't look for more machining work because I saw 3D printing technology -totally misjudged when they would replace that job though-), worked at Walgreens for way too long, now I work for a company called Wafertech making computer chips, got married on Halloween 2015, she found someone else while on an internship at Disney World so I'm now getting divorced, and currently I have a Ross & Rachel style 'will-they-wont-they' thing going on with a 24 year old stripper (only she's not a terrible person like Rachel from Friends). Though don't worry older members, next time we go out I am going to ask her outright what she wants out of our relationship so we can either start something romantic in nature or I can start looking for someone else. If she's into me and wants something more awesome, if not then I don't think us being good friends is me settling for anything less important or special. But I'm too old spend my time fawning over someone who doesn't want to be with me.