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Author Topic: Retro World eXpo 2015 Thoughts and Scores  (Read 13240 times)
United States
Posts: 7082

« on: October 05, 2015, 09:21:27 AM »

10/1/15 - Thursday evening, 5:30 PM. I've had a hellacious week at work and barely enough time to breath, much less find the time to pack for RWX. Luckily, I was worried about all of the loot I was bringing up there fitting in my carry on, so I started packing the week before. I loaded up my car that morning and at 5:30 on the dot, I peeled out of the the work parking lot and made the 2 hour drive down to Charlotte, where I would catch my plane the next morning. My wife had reached out to her childhood friend and college roommate who lived down there and worked it out for me to stay the night with her and her family, since I was going to have to get up super early. Not wanting to interrupt her family's evening..... I stopped in at two game stores in Charlotte.

My first stop was at one of my favorite stores, The Grid. It's owned by Goodwill and is the place where they send all of their video games, consoles, computers, and accessories.  I try to hit this place every time I go down and I've had great luck in the past. Their prices are very fair and typically under eBay. I think more people have found out about the place and it was a little more filled with commons than it usually is. Still, I managed to pick up a few good games: Crimson Skies - $2, MechAssault 2 (w/ employee sticker) - $3, and a DS game I have been searching for, Little Red Riding Hood Zombie BBQ - $15, all games CIB.  This was one hell of a way to start off my trip.

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/56695649-2C2F-4C4C-BDC3-758296E9EFB6_zpsx1rqs4vd.jpg[/img]

I checked out another store about 3 miles away called Save Point. It was a nice little retro store and it even had a few pinball machines! They also had some good prices, but there was nothing at the top of my wishlist, so I decided to save my money for the expo.  I got in my truck and headed to my friends' house to watch some football and turn in for the night.

Friday morning, 2:55 AM - I could barely sleep wondering if the alarm on my phone would go off or not. I randomly woke up 5 minutes before my 3:00 AM alarm and went ahead and got out of bed. My flight was at 5:40, but I needed to fill up on gas and Charlotte can be chaotic in the morning. I arrived at the airport, hit long term parking, and took a bus to the terminal. The line was long at security, but I managed to get through in plenty of time. I flew from Charlotte to Atlanta and ran through the airport to make my connection to Westchester. My flights were good and I grabbed a little breakfast while waiting on my ride.  When it pulled up, I was immediately greeted by a friendly and familiar face, one Russ Lyman.

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/BA972A91-01BE-409D-82F4-54881DCB4D17_zpsdl6vc4jh.jpg[/img]

Russ is as nice of a guy as you would imagine from his videos and we talked a great deal about games and other nonsense as we drove around. Unfortuneatly, Russ' car stopped working ironically in front of one of his game stores, Retro Games Plus, so we thought we might go in and check it out. Again, I didn't really find any specific titles that I was looking for on my short list (short is relative), but I noticed that they had a few Colecovision, 2600, and 5200 games at good prices, so I had to pick up a few. Luckily, it was buy 2 games and get a 3rd one FREE! Lucky me.

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/1752345D-9859-4636-872F-719DBB3857D2_zpsbezygpll.jpg[/img]

When we went back out to check on Russ' car, it was a MIRACLE. It started right up! We went by Russ' place to grab his bag and stuff to sell for tomorrow's expo, and of course pet the kitties. We grabbed a quick bite at the BK, and headed over to Bil's place.

When we arrived, we were immediately greeted by a cool cast of characters, Bil, Duke, Crabby, Floyd, and Eric. It was nice to put names with faces, and it felt like seeing old friends.  We chatted for a bit, dispersed some items we brought for each other, and settled in for some gaming before dinner and the rest of the crew arrived. Jackbox on XBox One was the perfect entertainment for the evening. The assortment of games were fun, and we soon learned that all of us had a great sense of humor. We then settled into a few hours of Rock Band and Guitar Hero (argued about which series was better, of course), ate some burgers and dogs (thanks Bil!), and hooked up the Retron 5 for a group switch-off Mega Man 2 run.  During the run, Adam and Anthony showed up, and hugs and hand shakes ensued. The new arrivals fit right in, and Adam even finished off Dr. Wiley. We stayed up giggling and playing copious amounts of Jack Box until around 1 AM, and then crashed.

A few of the trades and spoils I received from other house guests. Boxed Atari, Captain Commando and Mega Man X from Crabby, the Marinefleiger from Eric of course, and Darius Gaiden and Sears Haunted House from Duke. Duke brought me another big ticket item, which you'll see later in this post. Not pictured: Duke also brought me a Dreamcast and an early model 1 Genesis w/o lockout, and Adam brought me an Atari Jr.....the consoles had to be shipped. Ha!   

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/8EFF2A0C-C41C-4A17-A554-3C62A2B5C112_zpsnr3ail5q.jpg[/img]

When I woke the next morning, Bil had already left for RWX and Russ had left a very sad, plush bear behind in tears from his passionate wake.  I went in the kitchen and found Adam, who I think had as much trouble sleeping as I did due to our excitement and my snoring.  I grabbed a shower, waited on the others, and out the door we went to RWX!

When we got there (about 45 minutes early), the line was already formed and quite large. We walked around to the front, saw Bil there, and were immediately rushed in like the rock stars we are. We grabbed our awesome RWX lanyards and walked around to find our table to set up.  Of course, most of us ran around before the doors opened to find deals; I was one of those people. On my first run, I specifically looked for the 4 remaining NES games I needed for my licensed set, and also for some titles to bulk up my Genesis collection.  I found a few good ones. Heck, I even stopped at one table and a guy mentioned knowing my voice. I introduced myself and indeed, the guy is a listener to the Playcast. How cool is that!

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/0B30B8BC-08E3-43AC-9589-0F8492CF7032_zpspzqlsg1h.jpg[/img]

After my initial shopping spree, I headed back to the table and sat with Adam for a while. We had a lot of fun talking to passersby about the site. Most were unaware that such a site existed, not to mention one that was free. We signed up a few people on the spot and had others take a quick snapshot of our site address with their camera, in hopes that they would check it out later. Many people were really excited to learn about the RFGen app, especially after we saw the spreadsheets they were carrying around at the convention.

Lunch time rolled around and I was super hungry, since we decided to get their early and not stop for breakfast, a wise choice looking back. I decided to hit the food trucks while Adam manned the table and stood in line for quite some time. I tried to steal Crabby and Duke's food from them, since they were in front of me, but they weren't having any of that. Bil was running around like mad, so I grabbed a few more cheese steaks for he and Adam, and headed back to the table.

I decided to go back out to search for games and of course, by this time, the place was packed. Even the arcade was overflowing with people. It was really nice to see all of Bil and the guys at Retroware's hard work coming to fruition and paying off.  The rest of the after was more game hunting. Prices at the expo ranged from good to "Wow, that's a crazy price!," but overall, I got some great deals and feel like it was very much worth my time and effort to attend. I'm not going to throw out all of the prices, but if anyone is interested in what I paid for any of this stuff, you can PM me.

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/6B53FD8E-6737-47CA-9D8E-A72BC97899C8_zpsavavh6ab.jpg[/img]

Crabby knew I was looking for the Guardian Heroes and went ahead and bought it upon finding it. What a guy! If I passed, he was just going to take it to sell at his store. Sorry Mike.....  Tongue  I traded some games and PSX memory cards for the Die Hard, and got a good deal on Apocalypse. Lots of Bruce Willis love this trip.

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/711CF624-270F-43F0-A44C-88AA5BEA3C04_zpsb0mcyatd.jpg[/img]

I saw a video on the PAL He-Man once, and for the price, it was a no brainer just to have it in my collection. The action figures were also a good deal and I bought them from the table of the store Russ works at.

I grabbed these and some plushies [not pictured] for the kids. I lost the drawings somewhere along the way, but they turned up in Duke's rental car later. Whew!

I sat back down at the table some more and waited for our panel at 4:00. The Collectorcast guys were kind enough to let Floyd and I sit in on the panel and talk about our site and the show. We had a few people in attendance, along with the rest of our members, and I very much enjoyed it.

We had a few auction items at our table to show off that day, a boxed R.O.B., CIB Bucky O'Hare, and a Rescue Rangers 2 box. Those items helped to draw people in to discuss our site and also promote the auction at 7:00 PM. As the auction drew near, Bil asked Duke and I if we wouldn't mind helping out and scribing. Of course, we were happy to help out and had a great time watching all of the bids at the auction. I was interested in bidding on a few things, namely 2 NES games I needed for my complete licensed set, so I signed up and gave Floyd my bid card and max prices I would pay. Unfortunately, I missed out on both items.... The Panic Restaurant with the bad label didn't go for what the seller wanted and the Flintstones 2 went just above my limit.  However, I pulled Bil over since he knew the owner of the PR and told him to tell him to see me after the show. We worked out a deal, and now I'm only 3 games away from my NES set!!!!

[img width=700 height=522]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/8B171006-FD49-40B0-8801-F20E6C519597_zpsv56dkijy.jpg[/img]

The PR came with a repro label, which I have already replaced on a donor cart (no worries, I kept the old, torn label and original front case). Duke also brought up a rough Wild Guns that we worked out some months ago, which I also replaced the label on.  Grin

After the auction, all of the RF Gen members spent some more quality time together and hit an Italian restaurant nearby. We continued to joke and tried out the places mashed potato pizza, well.....all of us except the reluctant Duke, and it was actually really good. We headed back to the convention to catch one of the last bands and ended the night storming the arcade and having a lot of fun with each other. 

At the end of the night, I said goodbye to Eric and Russ, and rode back with Bil and the others to his house.  I said my goodbyes to Crabby, Anthony, and Adam, since I knew I wouldn't see them in the morning. A few of us stayed up a little longer, but we all crashed hard after a pretty epic day.

The next day, Bil, Floyd, and I hit a flea market, while Duke slept in; he had to run Crabby to the airport at 4 AM and needed some sleep. We found only a handful of games at the flea and an overpriced C64, but we didn't buy anything. Still, the flea market was the coolest I had ever been to and they had some amazing stuff....including a stuffed mountain lion!  Afterwards, we went to Bil's parents place and I got to meet his wife, kids, and parents.  Of course, they were all as nice and welcoming as Bil and I enjoyed chatting with them. We went back to Bil's place to pick up Duke, stuff my bag to the brim with goodies, and hit the road to the airport.

I had a long flight and subsequent drive home (got back at 2:30 AM), but it was really worth it.  I had some great pick ups from my trip, but the best thing I brought back was knowing that the people in this community are as genuine and as nice in person as they are on-line.  Thanks for the great memories guys! I hope that I can make it out there again next year.  Grin

[img width=700 height=937]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Video%20Game%20Scores/C7E63F5D-4EF5-48BA-AD71-F5C1A00C744F_zpsobx6wbkc.jpg[/img]


« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 10:22:19 AM by singlebanana » Logged

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
United States
Posts: 3243
Awards: 2017 RF Generation Punch-Out Heavyweight Champion!


Champion of
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 09:27:51 AM »

Holy crap, this was a ton of fun. Most of my write-up thoughts are in the blog, but there's a few personal things I want to mention.

The crew of 9 that we had at Bil's house instantly clicked. There was no weird silences or awkward pauses, just great conversation with some friendly gaming jabs thrown in.

I'm going to have to buy the Jackbox on PS4... That was easily one of the best party games I've played in a long time. I already love the YDKJ series, but the variety of games and the crowd we had made for some hilarious moments.

The show was great. The crowd started off slow because we didn't have any signage out and little to show/sell, but Rich and Bil set some stuff out and that helped at least bring people over. Once Bil brought the auction ROB, Bucky O'Hare, and Chip and Dale 2 box, we got a few more visitors. That certainly helped getting people interested in the site and getting them signed up.

I think I shouldn't be allowed to go out on my own. I hung out at the table from 10 until around 2 or so while others shopped, mostly because I hadn't ever done anything like this before and wanted to see what it was like and talk to people about the site. Once Rich brought us food truck (singular) sandwiches, I got a chance to take a look around. I knew I had (what I thought was) a pretty good cash reserve. In the span of 20-30 minutes, I spent over $100 and brought back 2 boxes... I came back to the table to calm down so I didn't just plow through my money immediately.

Once the initial wave was over, things went much better. It was so cool to just be able to look at everything that people had out. Old games, new stuff, some cool art and custom work (Russ, solid stuff). There were some good cosplayers as well. One kid was a Wii Remote, Zelda, Link (who won the cosplay contest with his ocarina playing abilities), and, despite not entering the contest, I saw someone who was dressed like Arino from GameCenter CX.

The free play arcade and console setup was quite nice. Lots of good competitive and co-op games and even though I'm not that great at a lot of them, it was nice to get in and play with the rest of the guys.

Before I show off what I got, a quick line for everyone that was there.

It was a great pleasure of mine to meet everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you all throughout the weekend. As I mentioned in the blog, it's things like this that make me really glad to be a director here with so many good people and happy that I get to participate and interact with you all.

A very special thanks to Bil though. He invited everyone in to his house. You were super accommodating both at home and at the convention. A great guy as anyone who has ever talked with him will know. He ran himself ragged all weekend, but didn't show it. After the show, we got back to his place around 1:30am and he still stayed up another 30-45 minutes just talking with us.

Okay, now on to what we've all been waiting for, the scores! Having trouble embedding, so I'll just link with a description.
You're welcome - Shadow

The Wizard of Oz and Aerobiz were both gifts from Rich on arrival. The Bases Loaded and WWF Raw were purchased at the show from a vendor next to our table to fill in my collection a bit.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/lW5JmLYDp7Lck5-BBTFrIe1uAB6c_M_iTic-xH9UCrvOrbFf9DSGasWqiykRJWeYVh6IFRVRvHJEQiJg5pygAiQ9t0YcD6RwV49PCAbeEt0B1tVKwSfeFCornuUohKXY6Zjx4K3OLveLRZf09FoBl0N-0ThRUoY1HBx6Tt1YDCyxi0HCUZtNS0iC9xl3ymqINjrj_SjvlyKY6YUquAv0zZi6iOXy9IIgrkPRlvSVDoU1jveBZSZc3UHcVHcVXnwN3e9UH9Dg0T4kKocJMBBATq95mQ9iVo0b-cm7vyD7bNWQOd_3EKtnMZTzYDhZKzxqmrVh9y5zVjis-QOQyyPX7X4rKFUyyH1AZ8rtotqU4LeW6rXY_bwz1Cc5EfxRBIhBrZj4mt_l0713H0VRavFMQ5vxqjIoveXPXiXlFLrK3RCJlnLoeG3wlYR8GbtQcgQLnEMIoj-S4x3knTGZ45l4UIh0vtyqwKEj52-NwkH1Da09o5X4LpzgILuefB66uWa9EvwcfD12UQqKNhgjdaFC9iJ2eON4_cItrqwdoJdgiXLz=w1306-h979-no[/img]

Bil gave me the Assassin's Creed game. The book I picked up for $4 and it's in great shape. The bumper sticker and set of styluses and cleaning cloth I picked up along with the item in the next picture.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6F7Tnl1mlWZXOvMuZvWvwHrWKZ4-HWLFbOVCNvkh_-SEilPogwbdsO4ulX57NuCv0x4tYrI51L8vdLygH9srSN1ZypLYA6I1YpTp6T3w-nRbPM6LhxuQZQk67CwlIkCiJY9HWJfdxIWsTRM2Yj1IuanJr2DOQOC7enU8CdkOw41mxpbtCfquT2igR_GIsPvJlHEDVKwDDMsZ4Vr-g9n4hOh4Sof7jCwQb2n-veT-EvPZCOZZSHaa2nZVRQApq7z6MFEY5JvdOiCiMBtTfLiihBALAxOGFBQOFDukwNww3HD0_-SfpSaIKSfdoR09lA9msx2wrzWDD3j-a4Hgk3OFK2AElNv068kKJDM47OPq59YvAMvAp0G2NBPPqkf8Gsrl8icpqNuW4i9_Rob4TkJwD-a_oCMj9YH_hAkGrsfDDZYOkahEtlrhtNVFjJMuGXqOhxJ1bForonTb8Pl-lk8ne4SZg_vCTW6jp5LbHYlKT0EnW5_e2-lQ1BaCm8IJEtOUIZEvi1vDi0TBVZr_aIhXkAzpZR0Eh74260kuXXlI8ySO=w1306-h979-no[/img]

Got this Club Nintendo Majora's Mask bag with the above styluses and sticker for $15.

[img width=427 height=320]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/j_14NliV7ttd5Cvpc8-wosPDyS9sg8XHeM1v2V7D_wed-dWHSKWtHftwX36yW6gpdYpKjEVYD4Qb6x_BsGMY6782AhUqm86gbCdV3MxPtJJz5TRBNh9aINrGgmiXONXyPZ3KM2tXkmXl_nuK1YmRgE5V2qha7Vg0-i4rmcN8d7xPyrI4sQ4EvOB_OXarDyC7lpchmak4aZkSQZATdjVBbxEFQrYJUMhOzZf_3yHz7t61gXhPU11oORbJYXY0LTOhl2DUFBp97nna6oIEG0e5b-sIGFw7xwbukAJM28jlfuGVdYudxeLUv020HQhbvEXnNALFSsTOu6ngIdHfKoe1t5S8s33dWW4LvTUbPIF8662s4zuOauAyPdcuSxV23A0Jww-Fv7F5ytZVGhRJ7CR9VcuhOk0u6A3KX-f4LPXc_pDnX6UIh2NcEjQuSBheYrlcwuCMdDiJwtI8a7c3owrlLYWJGi0ttKYwBC-uy_w2qQ235XPQXrbCThAF7KKWpdAKbBXMk_Dg5k4W3FvpS0rgKsHwgl40Jm4NkdMHQGifcDMo=w427-h320-no[/img]

Got the last one of these from Russ. SUPER cool with water in it.

[img width=700 height=933]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CLe3dkaYED0SSrO8X0UKkv87KTO3OgM4vm49uUyuDww5JBjcwL39mJWVE3AyuGH6nUsA9ALn3H8g7YO7HrDCjerKa7jo6eH-h-_BYv0IqRQtaTooEO9_mLjo2T1joh7nO9qbeJT5mS0QzgkbyKrYpX7tHs7hmmkNRRKoOG-Iq9T7CUPxXGx13pC9JSn0kO0ie2p21sNW185QUg6eAkJHQGPaBnHtj9SDBJCpp8glQqoy4V8GOrOUrz9AcGs-glA2tNFnbg1AbNTDgIMoga6UM8Oz938csIGSzui9uYWnaEvNOUO2rPK_mcYe02HBvLTBOYxgt0Auvy0pNKgqKQKAMLgOOw377JU8z1rk_0RX93Ta6DycanLS9SnsFPkKGHh_Qx1rm85Oe3XnKLW9p4ezuAH-WczToymsaN7SktcDw5e3CyxVNUCm0b8_1Ml226kH42Eas5iJuixx27wnnkVe6Y9V1gltYdmGNV6LArp5k8VneYljguXjlCb1IWtNX1mwIEXnf0lCNTEhuhLFe8oFggovWg9cdvI8yS84NdMYkjlE=w735-h979-no[/img]

These 3 pictures are of a Capcom Fighter Power Stick. The front of the box isn't in great shape, but the stick itself feels practically new.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/E0rtvKFowsmB6JHqDeteZxxi4SEK3ho_HT9UUn6lY2Wn4DfN2uD78lGozqrV0zDV0kUfe3ko6mVZ5snfq8tUL2cVb674Tc51yf5DepOYVAOkmJvSKSCn_xKIWfFMMklvjeuA35Uz7XzFoWMlGD2aufytHE9D7Vgk7JDZZ6K-IfPPc7LQqqUiEabl7mIHpYOazgm5a03Yw-3ReP0F2WNw2c6E7hjvTJ3g5RUDO7LYvjGni3vyVzKqAUdW10HcSOeEXzk5QEWPndgKCo_B-m_Uz59PjiwlnOI1yIAU_vtUmrmBLJoHMLrmMosooybm1A7K3hwGDoOIlj9yRwVBQhNGAT7mnxcx6JzsOtoZ1oKhx6ic9F4RoZacDmP98HWa6vg_N1Mn-ev2swG3z1PfUq1CzSAQGQJXFV86hOJ4opjVRALDQ28UIHLgeAp7yFOd4MHLrho43GyC6Hz9B4aarkeRoVExOcQNa5kiqe01v7n8K_CVMXktYMnHvR_-vC6MkACmSzCP1kmO3CNZTCr-D0OtzlBsKt-RIZbWdfehVOlR3Zup=w1306-h979-no[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kS2TMMHAroYSjowy0L9tITMmPRvV3z_XpjWOfgmOT6MU7i8q7-CDSNnGA9rkPMF793oICJm_lbG3N-33wxYNhOZBRyvL_dYBDRZeegfgTChBJtMRbmPUtnfini13qNmwXO7pv3hH117C5YvzF-3LxwiZYHH3gxqSG449GxSuF_IL3zIvtPafkGf4L5J4OuJgEz161lmPeG2uunNRLFHX901_8wkuzet6E-PqZR2UVrsYHS1X9idU-s98nPXe_vHK_giAYfbwoS1YtRQsuLWsy35EhFQBSUjdZlMaS8bj_nqLvlut_lnTZ9lUR_cmo7V06ef1NwFA7hh9jW3mskFwDYF4ojTHj7_iOqHaf4qUlginvaoiCEufmnMKrzMYEfE52os3-Ev_4iCB92AeLWyMjM5EHarh6pEvVMVPQfUkyaHSve-1i0n31537G8lkLAXIPgU_D8qUkUrq66nyGIUPUBhR1646KO2SBAzPdoNn2h-ue9FnDlfWN29op79E1fkO4udBlBrrTaEx8D5AUAozVkROWJVf9WZQAzkDytapwv46=w1306-h979-no[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PfkEjvvidKtTQhDAdikzMsn2f4Jzxb99wRxsk91Yj91SDeRTi4HrSv9tXbHPltyTrHJEZaZDPoAzm9sVkbi0FeR7CU4_jvOMDMk7EzMNq7VJxZsc5paFcB72QhRszSZ9RUylQIUIwxDX3JvhVa0VrSFgbzXo_iCMBeYCphxN2NdGJbpaMKLPy6fPpMBsP8ryOMQdLbO9Geb2X3VUGG-sA8L0PjeszBHGlr9NhJkCLAdZo6cORkFl1rlDnC8ONVoFMrAlSjveEscOYTu_J4cgfVxFdjgWVFzAv6nnDJLEpaC69YN4fkuXxrVcibLH8UHATAMS4SiYM-5pClGVLu-jt6ldu4F8jLM77UYjEegLuFsVVp4DuSoRyGvw5NyyMCThnbkFzIPEatWccCGw_nY0aWWwSP7OZyYGifpXBFZDc7hNd3Fxknd9vadBw6Q3anGwPtv2vHas0Qr27TToLCKFTdBIYrm7-ssHtq8vt2nXNLyrr47n8HCFLdb0nygwraKf9JP2BNGHZPCS2nmUxgAMVy_yIH0UtoAOAQCNVQnf6qyS=w1306-h979-no[/img]

This one I totally geeked out on when I saw it. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to afford it, but I juuuuust had enough in my PayPal to cover it.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qTRno1qT11Ee-rqvBXCyu-KVSYNy5pgUS7TVcRujZZwLABfDWF_x2MDv3M4rfl6DUXZdfd4ZLoBFiC2cRJon9Umu3zcNshqdYngrhyxX1QfOA61LM5X7wOPAkMsm6MpfuXOlpoOKb9qb69czmFXFCjlotbBpvt81H-K5iHiniM9VeLhkys5Ax8hNFRt0SLJ2EMWaFQo7J0u2AjU5sPgSDYD3DJe56jRK9-AOACI0FFMS5h5XsCyExHsT2bzh-ShvNrJ5xg4p7SmTwaWc1TCZ_G1syQPSjhyP7IM2Lf4AXwoaRbl3VEU30_SOD3qilLdcc3XhQIkKkLfBp5MldqWFLmEoYnJEGSy0Z9IkmIGD889K2N07r_S8T0gC5RhuMtYwQEA8re9jmtyv5o_71vIS-Nv7TNamNZXTfzre8tfsID5bErFqEvjOxtDQabzPaf90KFdXmEipLS_qtKg33nVJNrlm4xOM123NjM-q2mb7doYZGxPsIV6rZrDPfeW68XkZCoGYYgFOn4aGbB07QFZgPMEzRlVHX2EpT_4_HqhHLf1P=w1306-h979-no[/img]

One thing that we somewhat managed to coordinate was the bringing of Silent Service carts. Rich brought a pen with him and we were all able to get our carts signed by the folks that stayed at the house. I also bought a boxed copy at the show for $5, so I'm going to get to keep that one.

[img width=700 height=933]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/WeqnLyPrQhqXxut9AhVwD6njG4eoU_B_twEnrrU0F8uHxzdsWHKwjn-WrNVVoZEhbxUVaRW1_Iyp32hvy-ZQ2IvMrG8ixqEqnzeGwUVcWFbVLWi5pkxnyi78u0nE0leBimS2Zy_8uCeO340iruEIVOCp92ybTXPkh-2yRREmQxIiHuBTMeJrBU-kZfUeq-I83pvQrebHLxdL5cksLJQTmfgdukarsiImHPssKhsaTi9XqJLF3rArsjON7BBnMHTDwrNdu2aHfVW5gHMjwOPcPTaAf8SJZzvehyIgyUF7lqStHHEWRaSRO7b3srqw4V8YZT1xJ3ajab0TXxI1WI41iLeGMsCOVoYisg83xnlPHnw_NtNEUhCGkYKWp2txcPFKiTQ38lwd0NDOkf8i-5U-rjCjgsiZnq3gfaD4yvDKnD5gy4-NtOMOAOxeGhNE8YAszikzuxMwOI0eixZUM80ytl78hYdmjTH5gmn8RekXdYapjOA2qxqOHuD55te7sMGeKbQmyLYppmgLMDRQcmzo0G-9GJtAtwActbH19WAH4sEx=w735-h979-no[/img]

UPDATE: Got my 2 boxes in from Anthony.

Got another arcade joystick in the box. The stick and buttons both feel like they have barely, if at all, been used.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/HdE8PKAg-ysASXgttO8AWaxCnvGEbZep_Z52Jo0tkyruEiocdddjK-uZmw4GUt4qgo19i-SEib9KgmvZmnvCw46N-bhKjalh3nLKHH08WUIM4VDRY56mOw3DfDlaTzy_kePSSvTpPThtNxSKVBxs95W5y6WghBwlvuv0Le_o0UJ8Vejnww1yXZGkZ9nRV6S6D0shEdYkGrTK_-ziUtKv7LJkS19O5wahyThKDa7qAtRYZUEIC5CaFXA0xzJE_XW33GnOwMxgY5UyeG04HmNExdltTn4hpZN6SaMwRQE01Yd3rT45TKa84VDJDgUC6A5LOJCiQKY-ZHM42R3QpjyqgXr1thG8cUSLT6S8xBKLeQh9A9q6ErDSlofvzRpGUC9QApGUC6boAzsYuJ86w9xS1M6OriKmPlWq8-v1RlQ92u4U1JIEgp7JF9yj040oWpwNN_x8zC3jdUNts8UlZEX4Ow-8dDkM7W44yGAIxu-V0or-EZScfOQFFU_nWGJYtgkw-J-U8O3hdnvwpQLJs_7faNZDaofi9CnnaX-wQwVzNupI=w1034-h775-no[/img]

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/wkelv732pkZTiQJ_3bF8uj4lLxUKGJ1gisSI2LomRtRsZi3oS9lGbuOSrOtLo8Nux1x1J4JgpwDCQO6kuPg_Jt9_U5Y9tWs80sjt44JMGwytCTRUD3iSO6cPVDq36wTNo-2IzWKGoBJRrHNo58ko0F3HovH38XCtdYRRrV7hYu5K7WA6O3t6QRChgDKcixZrDKMWcHkTq2L_5J8IAOx2nUaXEBT_On9h7NXHZlHq4KgOChtzOrNV4kIi3AIQSvEZwdEfD2bSSIzaLqXXspQ4kJ94xB8bw7XodydtONCbA5kRVZdlIzl6IDgogYCffFs_ZsJWSdseaMwcnD2eobH8n6xx1Sj8-IH_L5dKT1IhSiSAQ6o5DpOMfyKD1ukdtmDgSjkKFMqIkkLdpwJzoFcG-vT1kLU159ByxMn3C9CwlC4uobeB5IgpzB0kRE0bvejuxTdRh_juxFlNV0QFuTuQzyUROvSi70WTb3iNbig7q6RnmMWMqTCDlFmHUbUkF_2ytlDYJMQWSoZKRODDNT6ZEFOYOgYtASgG_0Ds1W5Sldta=w1034-h775-no[/img]

I also got this alarm clock, new, from Japan.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Vh69dUV845GFAK8ntuSvkq8sVeWC1MuhxoSxRQeygC0uLJwtxzKjxJtswIBxlPpDzQJXKvQUsySdf5a2Egv4-gclW5UNQfQQIvRuhvdGWVo6ThRjFL_V0-Ano8Ht1yhWNOEVNSnotRJBkiUIXold-7SWUH5HM_lHQHdMHW-DcTGqI1_jBq4ZjaGeakQnP0pfx0TQ1ubrF2lK2coQKeD61W6emloQ012NJ0pUy-oI08j2Icrgbyyo64ynkZccK2AFS_UFt8ZF6-CGQSMPWbPr9nCZ5D-KXf4kR1uyW6zPWdljw8iMq9FtAZCQ3pVOgzg-ehhTh0jZAaskLu29ekf6cbloRieKIA-bWBFAaX6tqf6_uuWKdiaiB57tKLVlaHNaY4JsCghxaK-6F0cbfuIj_fAeDJojH-f2yhAERZeII25adGtMfLQWBlMdurcAsxTe4Yfu8SHSBr5wxRSpW8VkQhHvJojqy9cBlcHmE2h5OQZuHE_P9cibfPQtPZC5aCT60TiKh-yVpM_YqdTLiWETPzMBe0R77zSYPhSGWW86ZkYK=w1034-h775-no[/img]
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 10:30:40 AM by bickman2k » Logged

[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/bickman2k.png[/img]
Podcast Crew
Posts: 13567

« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2015, 10:06:07 AM »

After a long 13 and a half hour flight I finally made it to Indianapolis and once navigating my way out to the baggabe claim was met with a warm rfgen welcome with Duke.Togo waiting for me at a very early hour in the morning. We greeted each other, grabbed my bad and took off to his house to get settled. I met his incredibly hospitible family and was made to feel very welcome in his home. We had breakfast and then hooked up the Famicom and PC Engine to get some early morning gaming in.

After our gaming session we headed out to explore some of the local game stores and meet the staff that Duke spoke highly off. Pretty much every game store we visited was much larger than I expected, and stocked to the brim with inventory. I picked up a few common game here and there and chatted with the staff. We went to bed early and got ready for the next day which we planned to spend in Indianapolis.

Got up had breakfast and made our way into the city. We met with a friend of Duke's for lunch, hit some more game stores, went to the airport to exchange my money like we should have done originally and met with some other friends of his at a local pay to play gaming place. We intended to play some Trials Fusion, but thanks to the wonder that is modern gaming it didn't install in time and we ended up playing #idarb instead, which turned out to be quite a bit of fun. When we got back to Duke's home he got me setup playing Mega Man 10 on his 360 which I've never had the chance to play prior. Wasn't sure when I'd get the chance to play again so we made sure to beat it during this opportunity.

After a few days of game hunitng and playing we were ready to head off towards Bil and the rest of the crew. We slept in late and took off just before noon. We stopped at a few gamestores on the road, some of which were very cool, others were a bit disappointing. We realized we were making very poor time with all of our stopping and ended up playing a silly word game in the car for nearly 3 hours in order to keep us alert enough to keep driving. We found a cheap hotel room at around 1am and called it a day.

Woke up and started driving earlier this day and with the extra time we put in the night before we were going to arrive earlier than we anticipated. We got to Bil's parent's house before Bil did, but his father was kind enough to invite us in and chat with us while we waited for Bil. He showed up shortly after with his wife and sons, whom were being incredibly accomodative by staying with their inlaws so that us jerks would have more sleeping space and less disruption while staying at Bil's house. We chatted with Bil for a bit and then headed over to his house to settle in for the night. Stayed up for a while playing Jack Box games and then crashed in his guest room. Duke and I woke up early the next day in order to get Eric and Fleach from the Airport in New York. We had no idea how we were going to find Eric in such a large airport so we just picked a parking sport and decided to start looking. Much to our delight it took us about 3 seconds to find him once we entered a random terminal and he was right at the front grinning and happy to see us Smiley Grabbed Floyd and headed back to Bil's parents place stopping briefly for some burgers. We hung out for a bit playing SNES and Playchoice 10 in the basement before heading back to Bil's house. We were eventually greeted by the rest of the rfgen gang as you've read in the other comments in this thread and clicked immediately and had a blast playing Rockband/Guitar Hero/Mega Man 2/Jack Box games until late in the day.

The expo itself was fantastic. There were quite a few incredible games to find, the prices were very reasonable and there was no shortage of awesome stuff to see or do. After browsing around for a bit I entered myself and the Dr. Mario tournament and was immediately destroyed by a young girl in the very first round. Oh well, more time to spend with my new Amiibros! Duke and I played around in the arcade for a bit and enjoyed some PC Engine and Neo Geo before heading outside for lunch. Unfortunately my wife called around this time and was having a bit of a crisis back home so I arranged a flight back the following day which I initially planned to spend hanging out with the gang some more.

Wish I could have spent more time with you guys and I had an amazing trip. Huge thanks to Chris for putting me up the extra days, introducing me to some cool gamers in his area, picking me up and dropping me off at ungodly hours, for putting up with me in a confined space for days on end and for the occasional emergency bathroom stop Wink

Bil thanks to Bil for opening up his house and putting in all the hard work to run the expo. It was amazing!!

And thanks to everyone else that made the trip down. It was great to meet all of you!!

I had an amazing week and I hope to be able to do it again one day in the future.

Less important, but here is some of the stuff I picked up while out and about:

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5628/21413992933_8b83615afd_k.jpg[/img]IMG_20151005_085705

Judas Priest from Banana and Brad Pitt from Bil!!

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5761/21847290928_3bd4df33fe_k.jpg[/img]

First AES game I've picked up in a very long time

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/720/22035156905_f15f6b067d_k.jpg[/img]

Got to accesorize my game room Wink

[img width=700 height=1244]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/592/22008964816_5a4dae5e14_k.jpg[/img]

A few games I've been looking for plus some that just looked interesting and were dirt cheap

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5775/21412356194_c166444b79_k.jpg[/img]

Beefing up the PS2 selection at my place

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/583/21412359244_4979827155_k.jpg[/img]

I can't resist a good long box!

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/698/21414013783_8b16b420fa_k.jpg[/img]

Adding to the CIB collection. Thanks so much for the CIB Mega Man 3 Rich!!!

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5812/22045078471_008849fac2_k.jpg[/img]

I don't run into too many NES games I don't have anymore so this was a pleasant surprise

[img width=700 height=393]https://farm1.staticflickr.com/588/21414019773_154f7a22ce_k.jpg[/img]

Finally found a copy of the elusive Last Blade 2!!

[img width=700 height=1244]https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5714/22035180805_a1c19c64f7_k.jpg[/img]

Getting closer and closer to a full North American TG16 set!!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 08:48:07 AM by Crabmaster2000 » Logged

Want to see someone barely eke through a whole pile of NES games? Check out my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/us...00Crabmaster?feature=mhee

300+ NES games beaten since October 2011

Co-Host of the Rfgeneration Collectorcast:
United States
Posts: 10705

« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 10:22:02 AM »

Reserved for someone else.

Thanks Zag!
I almost used this but decided i would rather further increase my post count.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 06:55:11 PM by Izret101 » Logged
Naked Koei Dude
Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 3255

« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2015, 11:28:22 AM »

These 3 pictures are of a Capcom Fighter Power Stick. The front of the box isn't in great shape, but the stick itself feels practically new.

[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/E0rtvKFowsmB6JHqDeteZxxi4SEK3ho_HT9UUn6lY2Wn4DfN2uD78lGozqrV0zDV0kUfe3ko6mVZ5snfq8tUL2cVb674Tc51yf5DepOYVAOkmJvSKSCn_xKIWfFMMklvjeuA35Uz7XzFoWMlGD2aufytHE9D7Vgk7JDZZ6K-IfPPc7LQqqUiEabl7mIHpYOazgm5a03Yw-3ReP0F2WNw2c6E7hjvTJ3g5RUDO7LYvjGni3vyVzKqAUdW10HcSOeEXzk5QEWPndgKCo_B-m_Uz59PjiwlnOI1yIAU_vtUmrmBLJoHMLrmMosooybm1A7K3hwGDoOIlj9yRwVBQhNGAT7mnxcx6JzsOtoZ1oKhx6ic9F4RoZacDmP98HWa6vg_N1Mn-ev2swG3z1PfUq1CzSAQGQJXFV86hOJ4opjVRALDQ28UIHLgeAp7yFOd4MHLrho43GyC6Hz9B4aarkeRoVExOcQNa5kiqe01v7n8K_CVMXktYMnHvR_-vC6MkACmSzCP1kmO3CNZTCr-D0OtzlBsKt-RIZbWdfehVOlR3Zup=w1306-h979-no[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/kS2TMMHAroYSjowy0L9tITMmPRvV3z_XpjWOfgmOT6MU7i8q7-CDSNnGA9rkPMF793oICJm_lbG3N-33wxYNhOZBRyvL_dYBDRZeegfgTChBJtMRbmPUtnfini13qNmwXO7pv3hH117C5YvzF-3LxwiZYHH3gxqSG449GxSuF_IL3zIvtPafkGf4L5J4OuJgEz161lmPeG2uunNRLFHX901_8wkuzet6E-PqZR2UVrsYHS1X9idU-s98nPXe_vHK_giAYfbwoS1YtRQsuLWsy35EhFQBSUjdZlMaS8bj_nqLvlut_lnTZ9lUR_cmo7V06ef1NwFA7hh9jW3mskFwDYF4ojTHj7_iOqHaf4qUlginvaoiCEufmnMKrzMYEfE52os3-Ev_4iCB92AeLWyMjM5EHarh6pEvVMVPQfUkyaHSve-1i0n31537G8lkLAXIPgU_D8qUkUrq66nyGIUPUBhR1646KO2SBAzPdoNn2h-ue9FnDlfWN29op79E1fkO4udBlBrrTaEx8D5AUAozVkROWJVf9WZQAzkDytapwv46=w1306-h979-no[/img]
[img width=700 height=525]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PfkEjvvidKtTQhDAdikzMsn2f4Jzxb99wRxsk91Yj91SDeRTi4HrSv9tXbHPltyTrHJEZaZDPoAzm9sVkbi0FeR7CU4_jvOMDMk7EzMNq7VJxZsc5paFcB72QhRszSZ9RUylQIUIwxDX3JvhVa0VrSFgbzXo_iCMBeYCphxN2NdGJbpaMKLPy6fPpMBsP8ryOMQdLbO9Geb2X3VUGG-sA8L0PjeszBHGlr9NhJkCLAdZo6cORkFl1rlDnC8ONVoFMrAlSjveEscOYTu_J4cgfVxFdjgWVFzAv6nnDJLEpaC69YN4fkuXxrVcibLH8UHATAMS4SiYM-5pClGVLu-jt6ldu4F8jLM77UYjEegLuFsVVp4DuSoRyGvw5NyyMCThnbkFzIPEatWccCGw_nY0aWWwSP7OZyYGifpXBFZDc7hNd3Fxknd9vadBw6Q3anGwPtv2vHas0Qr27TToLCKFTdBIYrm7-ssHtq8vt2nXNLyrr47n8HCFLdb0nygwraKf9JP2BNGHZPCS2nmUxgAMVy_yIH0UtoAOAQCNVQnf6qyS=w1306-h979-no[/img]

I love my Capcom Fighter Power Stick. I'm pretty sure mine was never played when I first bought it. Everything still has the bags, and both SNES and NES cords were still wrapped.

[img width=700 height=418]http://i.imgur.com/KpV6L.jpg[/img]

Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte

Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 2373

« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2015, 11:37:12 AM »

I never could have imagined when we were planning this event that so many of the people I had met on this site would make the trip out to CT for our little expo.  It really was a thrill to have so many great rfgen members completing Mega Man 2 in my living room.

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/QwCMQHp.jpg[/img]

By Friday afternoon, Duke, Crabby, Fleach, Ericeskapade, singlebanana, and russlyman had invaded my home (Izret and bickman would show up later).  I was glad to have them.  Crabby presented my with a nice little gift package that my houseguests all chipped in for

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/FxwAhyn.jpg[/img]

Someone was listening when I said that I really liked the short amount of time I spent with Terra Mystica.  That was the first thing to catch my eye.  I had heard great things about Betrayal at House on the Hill and I'm familiar Love Letter and the Resistance Universe.  This would have been enough but there was more.

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/Rdwf8kb.jpg[/img]

Crabby said he felt bad that I had sold my copy of Xenoblade Chronicles before I had a change to finish it.  The bad news is that this is a SEALED first edition.  I dont think I have the heart to open it.  The sealed NWC, however, that has already been opened.  The pirate cart is my first and came from banana.

When EricEskapade first contacted me about crashing at my house for RWX, I should have thought to ask him to bring some cool stuff from Europe like a Silver box Silent Service.  I never thought to ask.  Good thing that he did (or maybe it was suggested by the circle of friends over here)

[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/zEiIWFE.jpg[/img]

So freakin cool.  We also had all of my guests sign a US Silent Service cart. Get ready for an inside joke

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/nMK2LGx.jpg[/img]

The day of the show was a bit of a blur.  I was up at 5am after 4 hours of sleep the night before.  I didn't buy a single thing on the day of the Expo, I was too busy doing my best to make sure the 1500 or so people who came to the show were having a terrific time.

After the guys came back from their pizza dinner (thanks for bringing me back some pizza, guys!) We had one last hurrah in the arcade.  I took a couple of candids when the guys werent looking.

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/hlQXvxi.jpg[/img]

[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/c8jsdXQ.jpg[/img]

Everyone kept thanking me but I really can't thank everyone else enough for making this such a memorable experience.  Can't wait til next year.  I'll need to invest in some cots to make the sleeping experience more comfortable.  That or I;ll have people ship their air mattresses beforehand.

I leave you with a picture of a 5 year old taken at 1130PM in our arcade.  Please note the Batman costume AND the Fatality.

[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/7kgfu97.jpg[/img]

« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 10:20:12 PM by wildbil52 » Logged

Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
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Champion of
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2015, 07:53:50 PM »

I can shoot you some pics of your last items Adam if you want.

I should be able to get mine up tomorrow too. I didn't grab too much and what I did get should be rather predictable. Wink wink.

Nintender Tape
United States
Posts: 6181

WWW Stats
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2015, 08:41:18 PM »

I'll probably be better at retelling this on an upcoming show as writing is not my thing, but I'll let loose.

The week started very early when I had to pick up Crabby from the Indy airport at Nothing o'clock in the morning. I was pretty excited to have him over, and had planned quite a bit out before he arrived. As he mentioned, we spent some time relaxing and gaming before hitting some of the local haunts. Some of the guys that listen to the show were excited to meet him, and he did a good job of scouring the shelves for plenty of goodies. Day 2 was more store busting, and we didn't have time to hit them all around Indy, but we made a good run at it.

Crabby described the drive over really well, but he neglected to mention some of the crazy store names we ran into like Vacs & Video (seriously?) and The Video Game Store. Crabby almost got a guy fired for asking for a dollar off a game. Wink

We had so much fun at Bil's and his parent's place, including some great PC10 time. I have witnesses to me being robbed in SMB, and I'll get more into that one later. I had a fantastic time hanging out with Eric, Izret, Bickman, Floyd, Banana, Russlyman, Bil, and Crabby while playing Quiplash and Fibbage. The humor got crazier as the night went on, and I had quite a few times where I was in pain from laughing so hard.

The expo was really well done. Bil and his partners really pulled everything together to make it an amazing first year, and if this is where the beginning is, I can't wait to see where it goes. The vendors were great, and we got to meet Chris from our show sponsor Off The Charts Video Games at his booth. It looks like plenty of sales were happening, so the vendors had a great day. The arcade room was well stocked, and the console section brought out some hard to find systems which were a blast to play.

We followed up after the RetroWare TV guys' panel, and while we didn't draw that size crowd, we had a fun group in attendance. I tossed up the panel on YouTube if you'd like to watch it on our channel. It was nice just to talk about RF Generation and what makes this such a great place to be.

Bil asked Rich and I to assist with the auction, and there was a nice variety of items there. I was pretty surprised at how low the bids were on many of the items, and there were a few great deals grabbed. One of the ones that excited me most was a Sharp NES TV, and my eyes were bugging out of my head when next to no one was bidding on it. When it started stalling at around $160 I was happy to see Crabby jumping in. It was tense watching it all play out, but I almost jumped out of my chair when he won it, especially for the price it ended at. I looked over at Rich and told him that I'd be having fun trying to figure out how to ship it to Canada. After some other great auction items, it wrapped up and Crabby came up and I wanted to give him the big congrats. He just leaned over to me and asked if I wanted to buy a NES TV cheap. I'll be really honest that I was pretty choked up, and it meant a lot to me that he would do that for me. It's got a great home now, and he owes me some two player gaming the next time he visits.

We wrapped the night up with pizza (or what passes for pizza... mashed potato pizza???) and played in the arcade until they kicked us out. Crabby and I had to hit the sack as quick as we could, as the next morning was another crazy early trip to the airport. I got a bit lost coming back from Newark and ended up driving through parts of New York at around 5am (really not recommended), but thankfully Siri got me back safely. I crashed hard and just slept while the other guys went out to the flea market.

Bil and I took Floyd and Rich to the airports for the trip home, and then we headed back to his parents' place for dinner. Bil has a really warm and inviting family, and they made me really feel welcome. After that it was early to bed so I could make the long drive back the next morning.

I'll share some pics of the items I grabbed below, but more importantly are the pics of the fun times I had. I really hope that this can come together next year, and hanging out with the RFG crew feels like spending time with life long best friends. Thanks everyone.

Crabby and I at the house and on the road
[img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/B7F06D56-031E-4484-BD78-E74C6188AD99_zpswdiidi99.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/1CCE59B7-8626-4F57-B30F-752DCC9F040D_zpsqidmkmoa.jpg[/img]

At Bil's
[img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/7E1A88D8-7397-40B0-9113-2A1C6BD95DEE_zpsdiwxb018.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=933]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/3B8ABFD2-E8A1-468B-9EE4-959A2739CD14_zpspp5bawyr.jpg[/img]

At the expo
[img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/B1D9F2B7-A04B-4299-8712-E3E553B64BA1_zpsfvmfetcd.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/7F18834E-2273-453F-B6B1-0D91ADC5A3C8_zps2fyioshn.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=933]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/87566BE0-9495-4C07-878F-18899DB78DB5_zpskp1mrvfu.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/C2320995-CA4E-4E2B-B9F3-BD8BE618F59A_zpsw8hoqggi.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/E85682E2-5FCB-4B04-92B5-80EFE0332B18_zps9dskcqha.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/4F444285-1465-44D6-919C-E9D297FB485B_zpspxdcuslo.jpg[/img][img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/5EF019D9-1107-433D-9732-8951224316CC_zpsntqfxmcm.jpg[/img]

The TV (yeah, I'm kind of showing off)
[img width=700 height=700]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/9A7E9ABF-8077-4A9B-B3D2-8374A37CCD8F_zpsevpemzsc.jpg[/img]

I've been on a bit of a From Software kick, so Crabby helped me find these King's Field games. The Mega Man Legends 2 was missing the booklet, but I had another that was missing the disc, so now it's complete. If anyone is looking for a Mega Man Legends 2 back insert, I've got one.
[img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/3EE33C57-A033-42EB-A8CD-3FDEE5B1E48F_zpskanfqpkk.jpg[/img]

Rich brought me some great goodies. I'm a sucker for NES controllers I don't own. The other two he just must have really been paying attention or just reading my mind.
[img width=700 height=525]http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/jackcrow2000/D0E8F5AA-9D64-4903-93D8-C429CC4CF2C1_zpsvpon4o0i.jpg[/img]
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 10:12:40 PM by Duke.Togo » Logged

United States
Posts: 7082

« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2015, 10:23:15 AM »

My thoughts and scores from RWX are now at the top of the page. Cheesy

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
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« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2015, 07:54:57 PM »

Reserved for someone else.

Thanks Zag!
I almost used this but decided i would rather further increase my post count.



I can shoot you some pics of your last items Adam if you want.

I should be able to get mine up tomorrow too. I didn't grab too much and what I did get should be rather predictable. Wink wink.

Too late i shipped yesterday.

Everyone else has given a more accurate and likely entertaining rundown of the events that took place than i could.

The only thing i would like to expand on was our initial trip to Casa de Bil. On our ride from the airport i had joked with Adam that we were likely given the wrong address and were going to arrive at an abandoned building. The descriptions of the building and/or house built up from there. At this time i didn't realize that Adam was GPSing an old address.

Upon arriving at a clearly not abandoned house i assumed it was the wrong address. No cars in the driveway and limited number of lights on inside. Calling Bil to confirm as Adam precariously climbs the stone steps to the the front door with his bags in tow. (Paraphrasing Bil)
"Hey Anthony!"
Hey Bil. Uhh I think we are at the wrong house.
Uhhh.. yes.
"Oh you must have had my parents address. We already moved the party back to my place." *Both Adam and the Old Man both appear confused*
"I'll text you my address."
Alrighty. Cya. *Hangs up and begins talking to Old Man*
Sorry we were supposed to meet your son here but apparently missed him.
"I have no son..."
Wow then we REALLY have the wrong address. Sorry to have bothered you. *We turn to leave*
"Alright watch your step on the way down" (He was rather polite about it. Though i am fairly certain he immediately called the police and gave them my plate number, our descriptions and said we were likely home invaders.)

I then successfully made a blind (since my windows had completely fogged up by this time) 5ish point turn to escape the driveway and head to the party a bit later than anticipated.

Well most of them anyways.

My only only "legit" game Billingual to boot!
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_001_zpss78gkjna.jpg[/img]

Grabbed these from the Collectorcast sponser! Off The Charts Video Games Grin
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_002_zpsfif4bsa0.jpg[/img]

Some magazine ads and junk sealed away forever. The guys at this booth were not overly interested in making a deal despite me grabbing every MK print they had. There are 2 double page ones not pictured that i already put away somewhere and forgot.
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_003_zpsf4l3qxmb.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_004_zpsrilifpc3.jpg[/img]
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_005_zpspaxphurv.jpg[/img]

[img width=579 height=1024]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_006_zpsqyc9xh8t.jpg[/img]

Rom hack. My first time by the booth the guy was more interested in his tablet than me making a purchase. He was vague on pricing and then wasn't interested in checking to see if they had anything besides a cart only copy with a loose board in it. My second time around a few hours later he was more willing to chat and immediately dug out a nice looking CIB copy with full color manual Grin
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_007_zpsztbqgeod.jpg[/img]

Eric refused to take no for an answer so i ended up with 10$s in gas money from him. I gave it to Adam for these. Thought it was cool to grab some lithos nearly at the end of the print since i have some in the middle and some relatively close to the start. Not pictures are another 2 or 3 he gave me at the end of the show that did not sell.
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_008_zpsou8giyne.jpg[/img]

Also from Adam
[img width=579 height=1024]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_009_zpsvago2szt.jpg[/img]

From Nanner who decided to throw a curve ball Tongue (I plan on putting it together with my son at some point! Pics when it happens Grin )
[img width=700 height=395]http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q677/izret102/WP_20151006_010_zpsameafk3l.jpg[/img]

A huge thanks to Bil and family for allowing us the usage of his home! It was hugely preferential to staying at a hotel. Didn't get to spend a ton of time with all the guys but it was much more than if Adam and I had grabbed a hotel.

Also a big thanks to the wives/girlfriends/significant others who (i assume) didn't give the other guys a heap of trouble for coming out. Most of you guys had a mid sized to large investment to make it out this way. I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to meet all of you more or less in my own back yard. Hopefully i'll be able to make it out to see some or all of you at some point. I'd love to see some of your haunts.

It is tough for me to get back into collecting like i once was(i certainly won't anytime soon) but just hanging out and browsing the wares it was nice that the spark hasn't burnt out! It is pretty amazing/crazy to see where prices have gone on various items since i shifted my focus so heavily.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 09:49:40 PM by Izret101 » Logged

RFG Emperor
United States
Posts: 12191

« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2015, 08:54:26 PM »

Great stories!  I'm shooting to make it out next year.

NES cart only collection - 87% complete.
SMS set complete!
Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 2373

« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2015, 10:20:50 PM »

My RWX Scores http://www.rfgeneration.c...15966.msg229604#msg229604

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« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2015, 10:32:29 PM »

I leave you with a picture of a 5 year old taken at 1130PM in our arcade.  Please note the Batman costume AND the Fatality.

[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/7kgfu97.jpg[/img]

It really does warm the heart!

United States
Posts: 3243
Awards: 2017 RF Generation Punch-Out Heavyweight Champion!


Champion of
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2015, 03:14:53 PM »

I leave you with a picture of a 5 year old taken at 1130PM in our arcade.  Please note the Batman costume AND the Fatality.

[img width=700 height=933]http://i.imgur.com/7kgfu97.jpg[/img]

It really does warm the heart!

If I wouldn't have been there and you wouldn't have mentioned it was a 5 year old, I might have guess it was Izret himself!

Also, I forget how big I am sometimes until I see pictures like me at NBA Jam (I'm the one hunched over) and this one from Eric on Facebook:
[img width=700 height=393]https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12122616_905936516165135_6281435704072064482_n.jpg?oh=090fa6d11338918993fffaf17b91555c&oe=5689D3A7[/img]

Too bad no one got a picture of me and Duke playing the Raiden cabinet...

If you don't already know the story, back when Atari was making arcade games, they had an idea for a bicycle game where you used handlebars to control the bike. The story is that they would take new games to one guy who would try to break them. He manhandled the handlebars and immediately broke them.

I was afraid of doing that with the Raiden cab...
« Last Edit: October 08, 2015, 03:19:52 PM by bickman2k » Logged

[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/bickman2k.png[/img]
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« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2015, 03:35:15 PM »

Funny Aubrey said "I always forget how short you are until i see pictures of you with other people."

I believe Duke was literally saying
"Meatlovers pizza is where its at!" And then slammed the tater pizza he never even tried.
Was super delish.

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