Well the "nd lot just seams to be full of things not really tested but at least in goodish condition.
As for the 1st lot well< They say they are a top retro shop that sells loads and they need to get rid of it all for "new " stock this probebly means ita all old tat that either wont ,dont and will never work as new stock is still old stuff.
so really why arent they testing it and seeling it all off? i know its the same with me and my PC job all old crap i cant be botherd with goes in a big box and one day will be ebayed as its not worth the effort to sort through, this might be the case here.
Of course i could be totaly wrong it might be all OK and genuine stuff, If thats the case have a bid as yes you might make a nice profit soemthing tells me though all the rare games will have been taken out!
Im abou 1.30 hours away if you do buy it and get board sorting and i really want some more Intellivision games and a CD32!