I was tempted to get a shell for my Jag, but it may get sold off at some point so I held off. Those shells do look great though, and would make a nice collection piece for an Atari collector.
A note on the translucent shells. They were made from the same molds as the dental equipment shells, so the pegs that hold the board don't match the Jaguar board. They must be modded in the same way as the white dental shells to accept the Jaguar board. However, on the plus side, I'm fairly sure the back plate is included, unlike with the white dental shells.
However, I doubt I'll mod my translucent shell, even if I get a Jag. (And even though I said I didn't have the intent to own one, if the price is right, I may be interested in yours, Duke
.) I got it for four main reasons.
1. Trial purchase before I entrust large sums for the purchase of a Retro VGS
2. As, I assume, the footprint of the Jaguar will match the Retro VGS, I'll use the shell as a stand-in for the upcoming console.
3. Piggy bank. I'll need to save up for the Retro VGS, and this will be a fun way to do it.
4. Investment. Once I'm done with the shell, it will be scalped off to someone who will enjoy it and give it a good home.