I'm partial to Korean Jesus thanks to 21 Jump Street.
I didn't know Rev. Sum Myung Moon was into Johnny Depp...
So on a hunch i bought a lead test kit after work today. Turns out i had been sanding lead paint for half a day without proper protection! Yaaaay!
Upon calling and complaining i was told someone else could be sent but i could "kiss my job good bye"
I say "K" and hung up.
Immediately got texts back peddling.
I can safely assume that as soon as there is the ability to let one person go i will be that person. Unless of course i get hired elsewhere and no call no show.
Lead poisoning, huh? That would explain quite a few things.
On a more serious note: just about every professional house painter I've met who's been in the business a least a decade is whacked out to some degree. Some are barely able to talk coherently, and a few are full-blown alcoholics. I wonder if the whole lead-based-paint thing has a little something to do with that? Well, aside from all the other chemical shizznit in house paint that they're exposed to every day...