is that the reason why we collect?
It really is an addiction for me. Even as I type this I am resisting the urge to splurge LOL. The money is in my bank account and the listing is there but I'm really just trying to focus on putting money away for a rainy day. I heard that you should have 3-6 month's worth of income as an emergency fund. At the moment I have about 0-1 LOL.
Another thing that makes it hard for me is the whole "if you don't buy it now, the listing might not be there later" and I think that's one reason why eBay is so successful. I see a ton of good prices on things I want but I am always worried I'm not going to find them again. I am glad that I secured some of the more sought after titles early this year because I have noticed that the prices have gone up a bit and the listings are a bit more scarce.
When I press those buttons and it tells me "you won this item" I know that there's a chemical reaction in brain associated with reward that is going off- I get the same feeling when I see the package in my mailbox, and when I first open it. Then it sits on my shelf collecting dust for eternity LOL. I do play all of the games I buy, but I don't finish them. I play them until they become too frustrating then they go back on the shelf.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this