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Author Topic: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3  (Read 1009679 times)
Sega CD
United Kingdom
Posts: 758

« Reply #2415 on: November 10, 2024, 08:19:44 PM »

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Deck) - not sure how I missed this, its a great metroidvania 2d platfomer
Achievement Whore
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United States
Posts: 15779

« Reply #2416 on: November 13, 2024, 12:05:23 PM »

I played Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 on a PAL Xbox 360 last night and some Age of Empires 2.

I take it all of the Xbox systems are region locked?

The xbox 360 is. Going forward they are not. Some xbox 360 imports will play on a NTSC box.

I have 2 PAL 360's and 2 NTSC-J 360's.

Is the Xbox region locked?

The Xbox 360 is region locked. Some of the games are not and can be played on any region system. 99% of the games are region locked.

The Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles are not region locked.

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United States
Posts: 1864
Awards: 2013 RFGeneration KING OF RAGE

« Reply #2417 on: November 25, 2024, 01:44:03 PM »

Been a while since I checked in. Some highlights from the last few months:

Saturnalia - An indie horror game that really took me by surprise. A little janky but I really enjoyed it.

Tormented Souls - Again, another janky indie horror game that I really enjoyed.

Dead Space Remake - I started this a few months ago and got sidetracked by other games, but I've recently come back to it. Really enjoying it!

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - I really enjoyed this! My favorite Zelda game in a long time.

Silent Hill 2 Remake - As a big fan of the original, this remake surpassed my expectations. Easy GOTY for me.

Vampire Survivors - A bit late to the party on this one, but I was pretty addicted to this game for about a week. Really fun, did everything I wanted to do in the game and moved on.

TMNT Splintered Fate - A fun TMNT themed roguelike with a lot of inspiration from Hades. After finishing one run, the difficulty has spiked quite a bit and I feel like I'm starting to lose interest, but I'm gonna keep going for now.

Wild Arms - I started this over two years ago and got sidetracked, but I've recently picked it up from where i left off. I was worried it might be kind of a slog to finish this one, but I'm really enjoying it right now. Probably about 3/4 of the way through it.

The Plucky Squire - A recently released indie game that I had high hopes for. It's not bad, but I do find it to be a bit too light and simplistic for my tastes.

Paratopic - A short indie game with a nonsensical disjointed story and almost no gameplay. This just shouldn't even exist.

Nobody Saves the World - Really fun action/adventure/RPG sorta thing where you can transform into different creatures with different abilities. Played the entire thing in co-op and had a great time with it!

Mario Party 2 - Got to play this online with a couple of friends thanks to the NSO. Played through all of the different boards and it was a lot of fun! We're planning on moving to Mario Party 3 next.

Sega CD
United Kingdom
Posts: 758

« Reply #2418 on: January 04, 2025, 07:34:10 PM »

Happy new year all!!

Been playing Scarlet Nexus (PC) its pretty decent but very generic JRPG and Brotato (Deck)
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United States
Posts: 1864
Awards: 2013 RFGeneration KING OF RAGE

« Reply #2419 on: January 15, 2025, 02:22:49 PM »

Balatro - Been playing this a lot since it's easy to pick up and play in short bursts. Completed runs with several different decks. I don't really get the GOTY hype, but it is a good distraction. Not really sure how much longer I'll keep playing it, but we'll see.

Like A Dragon: Ishin - Been meaning to get around to this for a while, and with the next Yakuza game coming out next month, I guess now's the time to get caught up. I'm not too far into it yet, but I've never played a Yakuza game I didn't like. I do appreciate that it runs on the same engine as the older games. Just some little differences that I appreciate, like substories not instantly appearing on the map. I always liked the surprise of finding them while just wandering around town.

Lake - Kind of a chill slice of life game about a woman returning to her small hometown after 20 years in the big city. You deliver mail and talk to people mostly. I started this almost 2 years ago and lost interest and put it down, but decided to come back to it on a whim and am actually enjoying it more now.

Pistol Whip - Against my better judgment, I bought a PSVR2 back during the Black Friday sales. Never really been into it that much, but I was curious to see how the technology had changed and what new games were available. I started this one, and this is by far the most fun I've had with a game in VR. Kind of a rail shooter where you just shoot dudes that pop out and dodge the bullets they shoot at you. I have a hard time playing FPS games in VR where you actively control the character, so the fact that you're constantly being moved forward really works for me.

Trails From Zero - Been meaning to get back to this one after I started it like 2 years ago. I loved the Trails in the Sky trilogy but was kind of lukewarm on the first Trails of Cold Steel (haven't played the others), so I've been wanting to get around to this one for a while since it's more similar to the Sky trilogy. These games often have slow starts, and this one is no exception, and I'm having a hard time staying interested with so many other games to play.

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #2420 on: March 03, 2025, 02:32:29 PM »

Tetris (NES) - Got the NES hooked up to the Trinitron in the Den downstairs. I'm now using the excuse to play one of my favourite puzzlers ever.

that TMNT guy
Posts: 921

« Reply #2421 on: March 21, 2025, 10:36:09 AM »

I'm still doing the weekly championship challenges on Nintendo World Championships and also playing a lot of Pokemon Go lately.

I plan to sit down and play through Chrono Trigger soon.

Running out of games to buy.
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