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The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
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Topic: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3 (Read 1000106 times)
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #960 on:
March 28, 2016, 07:56:10 AM »
Pokémon Blue Version
(GB) - Finally managed to beat Misty, now arriving in Vermillion City to fight Lt. Surge.
Posts: 3839
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #961 on:
March 28, 2016, 03:09:17 PM »
859 hours and 4 minutes since i started playing Battlefield 3 (PC) and i finally hit Colonel 100 (max rank).
- I have everything unlocked for everything in the game. that's all rank based unlocks, weapon attachments, vehicle unlocks, assignment unlocks, and co-op unlocks.
- I have at least one Service Star (100 kills per weapon) for all weapons that can be awarded one, including pistols.
- finished all battlelog assignments (including all the DLC too)
- finished all Origin achievements
- all co-op missions finished on hard
- finished the campaign
- earned 1 or more of every ribbon
- earned 56/57 medals (i need 22 more victories in Air Superiority mode to get the last medal)
- dog tags are the only thing i don't care about, as many of them were timed promotions that can't be unlocked anymore, so i'm missing a fair number of those. i have many dog tags though.
none of this was earned from boosting, everything was earned naturally through playing in public servers with random people or friends.
Posts: 1611
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #962 on:
March 29, 2016, 06:04:47 AM »
On to the next opponent...
Sneak King (X360) - Hid 33 times and then completed a mission to pop the "Camera Shy" Achievement. I am glad I decided to only do a few before completing a mission, since I figured I had to have been well on my way to 100 already with previous progress.
Crackdown (X360) - Beat all of the missions in time attack mode on the highest difficulty with my little bro in co-op for three achievements, the one I needed was to complete just one mission in co-op, but he needed the others, so we spent a couple hours cranking those missions out.
Fallout: New Vegas (X360) - I need to finish the game aligned with the NCR for this one, but my save has me at the end of the game with the legion, so I am pretty screwed here, but I started killing Legion members to hopefully save my standing with the NCR to obtain their quests, so we will see where that takes me.
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
Ace Jago Player
Posts: 1508
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #963 on:
March 29, 2016, 09:11:12 AM »
At long last, Killer Instinct Season 3 is here! Gargos is coming to it in May, so I need to get in some serious practice!
[img width=300 height=70]https://image.ibb.co/fSULkF/Signature_zpsfvzatdip.png[/img]
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #964 on:
March 29, 2016, 11:08:49 AM »
Quote from: ReddMcKnight on March 29, 2016, 09:11:12 AM
At long last, Killer Instinct Season 3 is here! Gargos is coming to it in May, so I need to get in some serious practice!
It snuck onto the Windows Store early this morning, may give it a download!
Shadow Kisuragi
Variant Collector
Posts: 10853
Awards: 2013 Fantasy Football Winner
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #965 on:
March 29, 2016, 12:02:00 PM »
If you have XB1 data for Killer Instinct, load it up first before launching W10. Otherwise, you won't import your progress.
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #966 on:
March 29, 2016, 01:34:30 PM »
Quote from: Shadow Kisuragi on March 29, 2016, 12:02:00 PM
If you have XB1 data for Killer Instinct, load it up first before launching W10. Otherwise, you won't import your progress.
Don't have an Xbox One. On the other side, I can't finish downloading it until later when the kids are asleep and I can use all the bandwidth.
Posts: 1611
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #967 on:
March 30, 2016, 05:31:03 AM »
Fallout: New Vegas (X360) - I was past the point of no return for the achievement I needed, so I spent a good 4 hours this evening/morning powering through to where I have to protect President Kimball. I got it done pretty quickly, but I worry that I spent too much time on it and that I might not be able to get as many of the others with the lost time now working against me.
Call of Duty: MW2 (X360) - Completed the "Ghost" achievement for the matchup very quickly. Achievements like this remind me that there was once a time that I played games before looking at the achievement lists. Ha ha
Left 4 Dead 2 (X360) - Loaded up a private match with another controller and killed 3 minutes waiting for the "SCAVENGE HUNT" achievement to unlock. Another easy one, but that just means it is also likely to be quick and easy for my opponent as well. 5-5 is the score as of this posting with 4 days left in the match.
ilomilo (XBLA) - Jumped into the shuffle mini-game to get a score of at least 500 for an achievement. It was a lot of fun, pretty challenging, and I probably never would have known about it were it not for the achievement attached to it since you have to enter a secret code at the title screen to unlock it.
Bioshock 2 (X360) - Jumped into multiplayer to try to level up a bit, but the servers are dead...super dead...so I doubt either me or my opponent will be leveling to 20 by the end of the match week.
Sonic Adventure (XBLA) - Unlocked Amy with Sonic after playing the Sky Chase sub-mission for the achievement I needed related to Amy.
Left 4 Dead (X360) - Tried to boot this one up for a quick achievement, but my disc cannot be read. It isn't any more scratched than the last time I played it since it has set on my shelf exclusively over the last 4 years or so since I played it last...which means my laser must be wearing out and having a harder time reading less than perfect discs...Depending on my opponent's strength in this matchup...I might have to go and get it resurfaced, which I hate doing since it costs more to to that than to buy most of the games I have...
Condemned 2: Bloodshot (X360) - Loaded up the practice arena and played through a few rounds to get 50 kills with pipes, didn't take too long and it reminded me of the interactive hand-to-hand combat this game displayed when you became unarmed.
Skyrim (X360) - Jumped in to start and complete the first Dark Brotherhood quest for the achievement tied to it. I was already pretty well into the storyline of the game, so it went quickly. I happened to be in the city where I needed to be to kill my mark, and after sleeping, I was taken to a new location for my first actual kill as a Dark Brotherhood member. Took just a few minutes.
Mass Effect (X360) - I wasn't sure if my original character knew the "Sabotage" skill I needed to use for the achievement tied to it, so I loaded up that save to see and ended up watching the ending cutscene all over again...I really did like this game. Ha ha But my character did not know the skill, so I started a new character, leveled up enough to unlock the sabotage skill, and used it 75 times for the achievement.
Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 05:53:30 AM by Boshamp
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #968 on:
March 31, 2016, 04:54:21 PM »
Pokémon Blue Version
(GB) - Arrived in Lavender Town, forgot I can't see ghosts yet. Now I'm heading to Celadon City defeating random trainers along the way.
Posts: 1611
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #969 on:
April 01, 2016, 04:19:30 AM »
Left 4 Dead (X360) - Bought some Scratch Out and resurfaced my disc to make it playable. I was able to split-screen the achievement I needed for killing a survivor after they entered and then exited the safe-house.
Bioshock 2 (X360) - Played some multiplayer successfully to get to level 20 for the achievement I needed, but found out that there are a few people hacking the game online the hard way, making my path to level 20 take even longer, since kills would register as suicides, damage would be neglected, and movement was slowed, among other issues they created.
Borderlands 2 (X360) - Started farming kills at close range with shotguns to try to get my "Challenge Accepted" Achievement, but got tired and called it a night before I could finish. I also need splash damage kills with the rocket launcher, but with Logan's Gun and an absorb shield equipped, I will make short work of that one.
12-7 is the score at the time of this post. Hopefully he backs off, but I doubt it since the people will only get more serious about it as I fall deeper into it.
Two Days Later:
After some serious sleep and some time with the wife and kids, I am back into it. 14-8 is the score with one day left.
The Orange Box (X360) - Knocked out three achievements total during the session, needed to kill 30 bad guys with physics objects using the gravity gun.
Mortal Kombat (X360) - Just needed one flawless victory online for this one. Quick and easy thanks to my youngest brother helping me out with a boost.
Last Edit: April 03, 2016, 04:30:10 AM by Boshamp
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #970 on:
April 04, 2016, 09:00:20 AM »
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
(Win 8 ) - Playing Arcade mode as Noel.
Shadow Kisuragi
Variant Collector
Posts: 10853
Awards: 2013 Fantasy Football Winner
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #971 on:
April 04, 2016, 12:04:42 PM »
Boshamp33 has won their match in UHH 2016 - beat DavidDoes 14 - 8
Boshamp33 NEO CRIMS0N
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Complete "The Eye of Magnus" 40 (30) 1.34
Devil May Cry 4 Skilled Devil Hunter Defeat a total of 1,000 enemies. 54 (30) 1.81
Super Contra Endurance Both players must complete level 1 without losing lives in an Xbox Live CO-OP game. 20 (10) 1.96
Guitar Hero II 400K Pair Got 400,000 points on a song in Cooperative 60 (30) 2.00
Devil May Cry 4 The First Circle Clear stage 10 of Bloody Palace Mode. 21 (10) 2.07
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Simon Says you LOSE Negative Achievement: Lose a single player game 3 times in a row 0 (0) 2.26
Big Bumpin Mine! Own The Puck for 10 minutes total in games online 48 (20) 2.39
Guitar Hero II Expert Tour Champ Beat the Expert tour 73 (30) 2.44
Yaris Bot in the City Defeated the City Transformer! 64 (25) 2.55
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Secret: Welcome to 2047 Press the A button 2047 times, the year the game takes place 52 (20) 2.58
Super Contra Four Levels Complete level 4 in Single Player mode. 53 (20) 2.66
Astropop Puzzle Commander Perfectly solve 10 bonus puzzles. 27 (10) 2.68
Guitar Hero II 600K Pair Got 600,000 points on a song in Cooperative 85 (30) 2.82
Rock Band Flawless Drumming Scored 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert 29 (10) 2.85
Feeding Frenzy Shark Eater Awarded for eating 1000 sharks. 66 (20) 3.28
Yaris Can't Touch This Raced all 8 tracks in one sitting and completed the final track with full shields. 66 (20) 3.32
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Surfs Up Silver Surfer was unlocked as a playable hero. 106 (30) 3.52
Peggle Peggle Professor Impressed the Peggle Masters by completing every level in Challenge Mode. 108 (25) 4.33
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance The Destroyer Won 100 Arcade Mode Levels. 119 (25) 4.77
Sneak King Sneak King! Complete all Challenges in entire game 133 (25) 5.32
15 achievements that I see are easy, or just require some time to complete. Don't let the TA ratios fool you on some of these.
Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 12:10:17 PM by Shadow Kisuragi
Posts: 1611
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #972 on:
April 04, 2016, 03:44:59 PM »
Peggle isn't going to happen, I have had that achievement on my list three weeks in a row now. Ha ha But I should be able to power through Marvel pretty quickly, I will boost Yaris with my little bro, and save a couple of others towards the end for a sneak attack in the last hour of the matchup if I need to do so, but some of these worry me. I have little progress into Sneak King, DMC4, Astropop, and Feeding Frenzy...and have no way to boost the online stuff this time around since my little bro doesn't own GHII, Big Bumpin', or Super Contra. It is always hard to find boosting partners since my gaming time doesn't start until after 10 p.m. MST...which means most of the people that play are already asleep and in the eastern time zone anyway. But I agree with you, a lot of these ratios are a result of the games being older, not necessarily harder.
My opponent is already up on me 2-0, but looking at his previous matches, he seems to power through everything he can do in the list, then stops. He finished his last match in 3 days and did not obtain any other achievements at all during the last 4 days of his match.
Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 04:13:12 PM by Boshamp
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #973 on:
April 05, 2016, 10:56:40 AM »
Star Wars: Battlefront II
(PSP) - Time to rule the galaxy as a Droideka!
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158
Re: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3
Reply #974 on:
April 07, 2016, 01:11:38 PM »
Rock Band Unplugged
(PSP) - I actually kinda like this better then the console games. Starting a Tour on Easy with my band Silent Skeleton.
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