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Author Topic: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3  (Read 987144 times)
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4156

« Reply #915 on: March 05, 2016, 07:07:33 PM »

Zen Pinball 3D (3DS) - Again playing pass the system multiplayer with my little girl. I'm not quite sure why she likes pinball so much, but I'm just enjoying the time together.

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« Reply #916 on: March 05, 2016, 08:43:22 PM »

I started up Twilight Princess HD this morning after my overnight shift.  I played for about an hour and made it to where Link turns into the wolf for the first time.  I was starting to fall asleep and stopped there, but I remembered that I had almost the exact situation when I played Twilight Princess the first time 10 years ago.  I had camped out overnight for a Wii,  I got Twilight Princess with it and played for about an hour before I was just to tired to continue.  I will play a bit more later on and try out the amiibo functionality. 
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #917 on: March 06, 2016, 05:52:00 AM »

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (X360) - Played through the first three chapters with my son during our "Guy's night" tonight. Brought back some good memories. This title's gameplay is similar to the old NES arcade style TMNT games, with a few collectables here and there to snag. I also had the pleasure of teaching my son how to put in funny stuff like POO into the high score input at the end of the stages, he really enjoyed that. Ha ha

Fusion Dots (WP) - Made my way through stage 60 for a couple achievements, now I just have to get to stage 100, and I will be done with this one. Seemed to get a lot easier after 60 though.

Free Slots Fun Factory (WP) - Trying not to worry too much about this broken title screwing me out of my progress, but I have little hope, it seems. I agreed to trade gifts with another player and accumulated over 200 gifts and still cannot open any of them without the game crashing completely on every attempt.


Dead Island (X360) - I was able to jump in for a three hour session tonight and knocked out two ACT I playthroughs and killed a Ram enemy with a tackle attack to get that achievement. One more ACT I Playthrough, 12 collectables, and 5 Arena DLC achievements and this one will be done. Which is good, because it has been about 15 days or so since my last completion, and I am now well behind par for my goal of completing 100 games this year.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 05:49:10 AM by Boshamp » Logged

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« Reply #918 on: March 07, 2016, 11:06:43 AM »

Fusion Dots (WP) - Made my way through stage 60 for a couple achievements, now I just have to get to stage 100, and I will be done with this one. Seemed to get a lot easier after 60 though.

Free Slots Fun Factory (WP) - Trying not to worry too much about this broken title screwing me out of my progress, but I have little hope, it seems. I agreed to trade gifts with another player and accumulated over 200 gifts and still cannot open any of them without the game crashing completely on every attempt.

Fusion dots - Everyone i know who has made it that far says it is a cake walk after 60. I had a relatively dead weekend at the bar so i managed to clear stage 37(?) that i had been stuck on for awhile. It was for getting the 9am dot(emerald like one) within the time limit. Blazed thru the next several levels and ended up stuck on another level with the same requirement but the addition of an anchor. I was able to get close but couldn't quite make it. I ran out of space bought a continue which included a "Level Up" power up but when i tried to use it nothing happened Angry

Free Slots - I try to load the game up 3-4 times a day to collect my free 200$. I still can't send or receive gifts unfortunately.

Shadow Kisuragi
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« Reply #919 on: March 07, 2016, 11:09:10 AM »

Level Up powerup is a one-use powerup, that changes the dots you get from 1-dot and 2-dot to 2-dot and 3-dot. It's not an active powerup.

United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #920 on: March 07, 2016, 12:33:54 PM »

To be even more clear, it is an automatic power-up that you don't traditionally use like you would the other power-ups. It stays active throughout the entire stage. I did find out that they don't stack though, as when you use a level up at the start of a stage, and then get another "free" one with an end of stage continuation, it doesn't change 1-dots and 2-dots into 3-dot and 4-dot spawns, it either causes the game to crash, effectively wasting the gems spent, (My luck most of the time), or it just ignores the "free" power-up and lets you continue on.

As far as free slots goes, I have been in contact actively with GameTroopers and they have stated that Microsoft should put their submitted patch on the store at some point today to resolve any FB related problems, so hopefully that resolves both of our issues. Although it sounds like yours might be related to FB permissions for apps rather than anything in the game itself, since I haven't seen any others with the issue of sending gifts and invites.

Ace Jago Player
Posts: 1508

« Reply #921 on: March 08, 2016, 07:33:38 AM »

I just bought Tales of Symphonia Chronicles for the PS3. I really hope this one is better than Tales of Graces F.

[img width=300 height=70]https://image.ibb.co/fSULkF/Signature_zpsfvzatdip.png[/img]
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #922 on: March 09, 2016, 04:18:28 AM »

Dead Island (X360) - Finished up the final Arena DLC achievement tonight and I am done with this one!

Free Slots Fun Factory (WP) - The games gift system is broken, so I connected a different FB account to the game. At least now I don't have to have anyone else give me gifts, I have just been giving my second account about 50 gifts at a time from my first account and am already on my way to being caught up to where I was originally. In hindsight, this was a much better way to do this game, but I had no way of knowing that since I played it as soon as it came out instead of playing it a long time after release.

EDIT: No response yet, but it seems the problem was resolved. Instead of having 312 gifts and being unable to open the menu to claim them, I have been sitting at 11 gifts for a couple hours now. No matter how many I claim, it stays at 11. Either they made it so I could still get all of my gifts, but only show a few in the menu so it wouldn't lock up and crash every time, or I am sitting here with unlimited gifts. I am betting on the former being the case. Ha ha
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 02:22:43 PM by Boshamp » Logged

Blog Writer
Posts: 1966

« Reply #923 on: March 09, 2016, 10:12:16 AM »

Far Cry Primal (X1) - This game is everything I wish it wasn't. This game triples the crafting and adds little else to the formula. Rent it or buy Far Cry 4 instead.


Stephen Kick: “The thing about classic games was that they were the first for an entire generation. Successive works are going to be important to individuals and even to groups, but never to a whole generation in the same way.”
Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 2373

« Reply #924 on: March 11, 2016, 10:27:54 AM »

Finished the Fallout 4 Main Story last night.  I sided with the Institute.  I reached this point in the game weeks ago and I delayed playing because everywhere I walked in the world would start World War III with whatever faction I had upset by automatically siding with another be entering a location.  I didn't like that. 
Spoiler (hover to show)
.  The upside is now I can just go back to exploring the world, finding stuff, clearing out buildings, leveling up, you know, playing Fallout.

United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #925 on: March 11, 2016, 11:03:02 AM »

Dead Island Riptide (X360) - Started this one up last night with my little bro for a couple hours. I don't understand why this game got worse reviews and is hated by the players more than the first one, it is literally a sequel...you get to continue with the character you played the first one with by migrating them in with the same level and skill tree they left off with, they added new zombie-types, new gameplay elements, new attacks, a ton of new weapons and mods, an achievement list that focuses on the different ways you can kill zombies and collecting items instead of exploration based and other redundant "play act I four times" achievements, and benefits 10-fold from playing co-op with another player by adding team-based quests, a tagging system like the one in Gears of War 3, and team combo attacks. Maybe the co-op stuff turned people off of it...who cares though, I am already in love with this one, and will likely be disappointed if it ends up being a super short title.

Blog Writer
Posts: 1966

« Reply #926 on: March 11, 2016, 11:55:47 AM »

@wildbil52: If I remember correctly the original ending to vanilla Fallout 3 sucked. Maybe they will change it with DLC...

I've been playing a lot of games lately but I'm trying to finish up Far Cry Primal first....

[img width=700 height=525]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v136/cisco678/RF/88c1bdc0-57ad-47ea-9a35-22ce4cfc3922_zps8yjpkvwh.jpg[/img]

Stephen Kick: “The thing about classic games was that they were the first for an entire generation. Successive works are going to be important to individuals and even to groups, but never to a whole generation in the same way.”
The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4156

« Reply #927 on: March 15, 2016, 06:31:49 PM »

Microsoft Mahong (Win 8 ) - Finally finished up the remaining Extreme puzzles I needed to finish.

United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #928 on: March 15, 2016, 09:01:00 PM »

Started a Head-to-head competition for Xbox achievements last night and was able to snag a couple before jumping back into Dead Island Riptide with my little bro.

Yaris (XBLA) - Collected every weapon in one session for an achievement related to the competition, and finished the first level in under 3 minutes for another. Also played a match with my little bro for a third achievement.

Perfect Dark Zero (X360) - Played through a couple matches with bots along with my little brother to get up to 100 territories for the achievement I needed for the competition.

Dead Island Riptide (X360) - Only ended up with about an hour after everything else we did, but we did get a couple collectables, popped 100 Drowners (aquatic zombies) in speed boats for an achievement, and completed a couple of rescue missions before I called it a night.

Fusion Dots (WP) - I think this one locked up on me for good. After getting to level 89 and grinding out another month of diamonds, the game stopped loading for me at all. It just sits at the title screen with that mustache circle guy sitting still over it. I hope I don't have to go through it all over again.

Free Slots Fun Factory (WP) - Got two extra big wins around levels 27 and 31, but haven't seen one since. I am sitting at level 35 now with a base free spin bet of 750 (30 lines * 25 coins) and can get mega wins with 4-in-a-rows worth around 27,000-30,000 every 50 or so spins, but cannot get over 50,000 with a bet of 6,000 (30 lines * 200 coins). I have put down at least 200 bets at 6,000 coins and only need a common 3-in-a-row or an uncommon 2-in-a-row placed correctly to get over 50K...and yet...no luck. I even have been lucky enough to score around 40 free spins at 6,000 and still cannot get there...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 10:33:38 PM by Boshamp » Logged

Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
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« Reply #929 on: March 15, 2016, 10:45:43 PM »

Thanks to the UHH (Ultimate Head to Head) on TA i have popped in some old games briefly and had limited success.
I put a few minutes into Castlevania: SotN.
30ish in Sonic Adventure
Currently working thru Blade Kitten.

I have a feeling i will be getting eliminated in week one tho. My opponent had the jump on me from day 1 and i have actually sort of competed against him before lol

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