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Author Topic: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 3  (Read 1000102 times)
Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
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« Reply #825 on: January 13, 2016, 11:48:00 PM »

A little more Killer Instinct, Gems of War and Epic Element Heroes something something free to play phone game thing.

I don't tend to do much more than load it up and run a "co-op" quest or 2 just to make sure i get the daily bonus...

United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #826 on: January 14, 2016, 02:51:11 AM »

Soulcalibur (XBLA) - Just had to mop up the final couple achievements for time attack and ring outs. Played this one to death growing up.

Fruit Ninja (WP) - Played to clean up a few of the luck based achievements I had left. I always have the worst luck with those types of achievements.

Puzzle Quest 2 (XBLA) - Played this some more and defeated the green dragon side quest end-boss on my first attempt. The build I had for that battle should carry me quickly to the end, but since the game doesn't give any indication as to what my overall quest is supposed to be...I have no idea how close I am to the end of the game.

Edit: I thought I could crank through the rest of it all in one sitting, but after 6 hours...no go...I have to be close though...
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 06:21:47 AM by Boshamp » Logged

Global Moderator
United States
Posts: 12881

« Reply #827 on: January 14, 2016, 06:59:24 AM »

Started Shovel Knight!

NES cart only collection - 87% complete.
SMS set complete!
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #828 on: January 15, 2016, 05:39:18 AM »

Puzzle Quest 2 (XBLA) - Finished it and I am off to bed. It was drawn out and dragged me through hell and back, but it is done. Good night...or morning...whatever. Wink

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #829 on: January 17, 2016, 03:50:44 PM »

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 (PSP) - Starting to work on the Challenge mode, while continuing my season with Hulk Hogan.

Shadow Kisuragi
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« Reply #830 on: January 17, 2016, 06:18:36 PM »

Fragger (Windows Phone) - Ran through it today. Not a bad Angry Birds clone. I like the Detonator perk.
Yahtzee (Windows Phone) - OMG, I hate grinds. Ugh. 250 more wins left to finish this.
Panzer Geeks (Windows Phone) - Played through and completed as much as possible. Created a thread for feedback for the developer to get the outstanding issues resolved.

Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
United States
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« Reply #831 on: January 17, 2016, 11:38:00 PM »

Played Twins for a bit at work.

Trying to see if i can win 6 more CTF matches in Titanfall before i fall asleep.

United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #832 on: January 18, 2016, 11:19:56 PM »

Borderlands: the Pre-sequel (X360) - This game is pretty much just like the first two, except in space. The traveling system is a bit hard to work with since it is low gravity and quest locations are usually on top of buildings. The controls with the low gravity are poorly done though, requiring you to "double jump" using your oxygen pack to reach the tops of buildings...and it usually takes three or four tries to get on the building, making it frustrating on top of annoying. But the story and comedy are spot on, making it worth it to continue playing.

Battleblock Theatre (XBLA) - Plowed into level 8 on insane mode, probably just another hour of play or so and I will be done with this one. EDIT: Beat 8-1 through 8-3...spent a good hour failing 8-4 repeatedly and am finally heading to bed.

Z0mb1es (on teh ph0ne) (WP)- Tried a few times at completing the traditional mode and Time Viking without dying, but I suck at these types of games...so I really didn't come close. (This is a double joystick, run-and-gun style game)

Flowerz (WP) - Played a couple more times through, but still not up to 250,000 total points across all games yet...it is starting to get redundant and I am losing my motivation to continue.

EDIT: Stayed up for a couple extra hours after my wife went to bed and got a little more gaming in...

2006 FIFA World Cup (X360) - Was able to glitch all 5 of the achievements successfully on two different profiles, (Had to test on one just in case it didn't work for me). This is the first non-Mario soccer title I have ever played, it was pretty fun, but definitely frustrating. 50/50 on whether or not fouls are called when slide-tackling for the ball...50/50 on shots on goal going in or not...50/50 on whether your pass went in the direction you aimed it to...it seemed very random across the board.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 05:19:00 AM by Boshamp » Logged

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #833 on: January 19, 2016, 09:11:38 AM »

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (PSP) - This runs well on a handheld.

Posts: 21

« Reply #834 on: January 21, 2016, 11:40:25 PM »

I've been playing a lot of different games lately

Super Mario Bros. (NES): World 4 now

Minecraft (PC): Been playing this game a lot in my free time- freaking love it. The new biomes make for some epic fortresses.

GTA V (Xbox 360): Just started this game again, time to get rich! Already up to when Michael first calls Lester.

WarCraft 3 (PC): Been playing against CPUs on insane difficulty to practice my skills

Angry Birds: Seasons (iPod): This game is rather difficult. I'm almost done with the Christmas 2012 levels

Currently Playing:
GTA: San Andreas (PS2)
WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos (PC)
StarCraft (PC)
Angry Birds: Seasons (iPod)
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #835 on: January 22, 2016, 05:34:19 AM »

Minesweeper Flags (XBLA) - Picked this one up while I was waiting for my little bro to get to a checkpoint in Dark Souls II so we could play Borderlands together. 200 seconds to complete Expert is a bunch of BS...but the other achievements really weren't ones I should have missed...so I must have stopped playing it before I was whoring achievements regularly.

Borderlands (X360) - Got caught up on a lot of the main story and cleaned up a few of the remaining achievements I have. I should be done with this one on my next time playing it...then we can jump into the flavorful DLC.

Flowerz (WP) - Really getting tired of playing it and not seeing the achievement pop...I wish I could track how close I am to the 250,000 mark.

Battleblock Theater (XBLA) - beat 8-4 finally, sped through 8-5 and 8-6 before calling it a night. Just three more stages and then the final two performance stages (Boss stages in this game) and I will have conquered this one.

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #836 on: January 22, 2016, 02:55:35 PM »

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (PSP) - Starting Episode V. I see a ton of backtracking in my future.

United States
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« Reply #837 on: January 22, 2016, 06:55:39 PM »

I started up Skyward Sword again.  Playing it on my Wii U instead of the Wii, so I have all new save files.  I liked this game when it came out and am looking forward to going back to it.
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #838 on: January 22, 2016, 09:33:14 PM »

I started up Skyward Sword again...I liked this game when it came out and am looking forward to going back to it.

I really need to play some more of the LoZ lineup. I have only beat two of them, the original and A Link to the Past. I haven't even played anything that has come out since Ocarina of Time...but I sure as hell have been buying them. Ha ha

Borderlands (X360) - I will be finishing this tonight, so I am preemptively posting my playtime on it.

Splatoon (Wii U) - This game just keeps drawing me further in every time I help my son with it. Ranked battles have given the game a whole other direction of play and the amiibo challenges are a fun twist to the game's story elements.

If my brother stays online tonight, we will play more of the Pre-sequel, if not, I will likely start Super Mario World, since I cleaned my room a little and came across the SNES games. What good is it for me to have the SNES plugged in and ready to go at all times if I don't have the games handy? Ha ha

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #839 on: January 24, 2016, 04:12:59 PM »

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 (PSP) - Unlocked a few more wrestlers today, also working on clearing challenge mode as well.

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