EDIT: Liggity, loogity, LOCK. Go here:
As per a suggestion by Speedy_NES, I have opened this thread for database image submissions.  Any time you have scans or screenshots you want to add to the database, you may attach them in this thread.  If you have a series (especially for screenshots), you may e-mail them to me as attachments, in the body of the e-mail, or as an attached zip or rar file.
A few notes on images.  ALL scans must be in JPEG format only.  Please set the short dimension of your scans to 450 pixels.  This means that the other side will be larger than 450 pixels.  (The width of an NES cartridge would be 450, or the height of a Genesis cart would be 450 - not always the width, nor always the height.  It depends what your scan is of.  This just helps keep scans at a somewhat uniform size.)  Screenshots may be in JPEG or PNG format.  There are no dimension constraints for these.  Make them as small or as large as you like.  One note on this though: don't ever use hardware acceleration if you are using an emulator to capture your images.  We don't want PlayStation shots that have had all kinds of PC acceleration used on them.  The game should look in the image as it would on the console.
An admin and only an admin will add your image to the database.  This is because only admins can delete your attachments, and this is important to conserve server space.  It doesn't make much sense to have the image attached here and then also added to the game pages.  To keep track of what images are added, the attached versions will be deleted as soon as they are updated and credit (to you) is confirmed.  So, these might not be added as quickly as the missing games are, since not all staff members will be able to do this.  People who can do it include: Mark (Arrrrrrrrrrrr), Eddie (St0rm), and myself.  In all likelihood I will be doing most of these.  Since I am here all the time, they will go up quickly.
be sure to leave the name with which you wish to be credited.  You can leave your real name or, if you prefer, a screen name such as your board login.  It is your choice.  Credits on the game pages are done in alphabetical order according to last name.  Hopefully this will allow you to make sense of why your name gets added where it does in order. ÂÂÂÂ
If you do not leave a name, we will not add your image until you do.  (You must specify you'd like your username used if that is your wish.  We won't assume it unless you state it specifically.)  I'm super uber anal about everyone getting credited for their work here, so I want to make sure nobody gets forgotten in the name of getting something up a day earlier.  Naturally, if you have submitted stuff in the past, you don't need to leave your credit name over and over since we will use what you have used in the past.
If there are any other questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, post away with the images, and remember that you can always e-mail them to me at
mcollins@rfgeneration.com if you prefer.