Thanks to Den for swapping this with me last year.
Just got up to the point where I need to buy an Ice Digger. So, I am near the point where I got up to before, as an 18 year old, and gave up, when I got lost and couldn't progress any further. Been playing this for about a week now, I picked up where I left off last year, where I had all 4 characters assembled and need to get the space ship and the robot etc etc
I shall use gamefaqs for help soon, I think.
Anyhow. I now need to raise 8,000 mesetas more to buy the ice digger. Which is slightly tedious, as that means about 2 hours of wandering monster attacks to do. So, I've saved it, and will carry on later in the week.
But, this will be a personal mile stone, the first full r.p.g that I've gone back and finished.