I like the pause rewind for a better look of things in this video but the announcers seem like idiots. Maybe it is because i am such a fanatic...
http://www.ign.com/articl...unced-for-mortal-kombat-xAlso the "white mask" guy is SubZero.(Alternate SubZero really isn't out of the question though*) It has the medallion in common with the "normal" looking SubZero visible in the original trailer as well as previoues series entries. The one they both have in common is visible here:
[img width=700 height=437]http://operationrainfall.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Screen-Shot-2014-06-09-at-7.23.01-PM.png[/img]
I haven't gone out of my way to cross check (and don't plan on doing so) but i thought in one sequence SubZero had a second medallion on the other side of his chest that looked like the the Dragon Medallion which gave a super power boost.
I like that Scorpion has a fireball now and SubZero can throw his ice clone and there appears to be more variance in "specials" while still maintaining what looks like a good flow of fighting.
Something i never realized but now wonder if it was done on purpose. In MK(/9/2011/Reboot/whatever) Noob(Original/big bro Sub) before a fight would say "Fear me" Cyber Sub(current/little bro Sub) would say "Your not so fearsome"
Oh yea there is no way "blood drinking guy" is Shinnok.