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RF Generation Message Board | Gaming | Community Playthroughs (Moderators: techwizard, singlebanana, wildbil52, GrayGhost81, Disposed Hero, MetalFRO) | June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden 0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic. « previous next »
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Author Topic: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden  (Read 36391 times)
Disposed Hero
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United States
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« Reply #120 on: June 17, 2014, 04:00:18 PM »

I'm very close to the end of the game, pretty much at the point of no return.  I've read that it's a good idea to level up all the characters whose data transfers over to Suikoden II, so I've been spending some time doing that, although I wonder if it's actually worth it.

What does everyone think of the soundtrack? Any favorite tracks? I just got to probably my favorite section of the game, after Qlon Temple's cave when you hear that pan flute and strings come in for "Days Past." Gets me ready to do what I gotta do.

I think the soundtrack is fairly hit and miss.  I've heard a few tracks in the game that I really like, others that I don't like so much, and many that are somewhere in between.  I don't recall any of their names though, so I can't reference any specific track.

United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #121 on: June 17, 2014, 04:06:25 PM »

I'm with you here Disposed. Nothing really standing out to me in terms of music. A lot of it sounds the same and is on a pretty tight loop. I feel like I'm at a damn Renaissance Fair.  Ha Ha! Tongue

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

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Naked Koei Dude
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United States
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« Reply #122 on: June 17, 2014, 04:19:43 PM »

The music in the headquarters starts grinding my gears after awhile. Its just so short and in your face. Even if I only need to do 2 or 3 things there it will loop at least that many times, probably more.

Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte

Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #123 on: June 17, 2014, 04:25:41 PM »

Yeah, music isn't the game's strong suit IMO, but with that said, I have very little else to be critical of. Really enjoying myself so far. Haven't made to the Week 3 Checkpoint yet and just finished the "Pahn Event" last night. The World Cup is slowing my play down a bit.

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
RFG Moderator
Posts: 3839

« Reply #124 on: June 17, 2014, 06:42:41 PM »

It sounds like a lot of us are going to move on to Suikoden II, …we should start another thread after this play through is done to discuss it, even if it's not checkpoint based or anything it would still be cool to read everyone's thoughts on the next installment in the series. Smiley

just a heads up that the hosts are discussing this behind the scenes thanks to your suggestion highwind, so don't everyone go and start the sequel right away after finishing the first. if you wait a bit it might be a playthrough game in the very near future Smiley still working out the details though.
Naked Koei Dude
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United States
Posts: 3255

« Reply #125 on: June 17, 2014, 06:49:10 PM »

Also another heads up. Suikoden II is not going to be on PSN anytime soon. The rating has been pulled from their site.

Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte

Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
Blog Writer
Posts: 2762

« Reply #126 on: June 17, 2014, 08:48:03 PM »

Also another heads up. Suikoden II is not going to be on PSN anytime soon. The rating has been pulled from their site.


What? It's a tragedy!

"Another exciting Canadian"

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RFG Moderator
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« Reply #127 on: June 17, 2014, 09:02:07 PM »

Also another heads up. Suikoden II is not going to be on PSN anytime soon. The rating has been pulled from their site.

ooo, that might be a problem for a playthrough then...we'll see. more info to come as we decide what to do!
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #128 on: June 17, 2014, 10:33:27 PM »

How hard would it be to find Suikoden II? I already own III and IV and am sure V and tactics might not be too hard since they are a lot newer than II is at this point.

Blog Writer
Posts: 2762

« Reply #129 on: June 17, 2014, 10:57:11 PM »

Suikoden II is not hard to find. I think some RF Genners have found it in game stores before. There are an abundance on eBay if you're willing to pay $100+ for a copy though.

"Another exciting Canadian"

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« Reply #130 on: June 17, 2014, 11:37:04 PM »

The last game I spent more than like $20 for was the Halo 3 Legendary edition on the night of it's release. I haven't started getting into the rarer titles I would have to drop some dough for quite yet. My wife did get me the Gears 3 Epic edition, which I know she spent 70 for, but since it was a gift, it doesn't count, right?

In any case, I certainly won't be dropping a Benjamin for Suikoden II, though. Wink

RFG Moderator
Posts: 3839

« Reply #131 on: June 18, 2014, 12:09:51 AM »

ya it's not the rarity so much as the price that's an issue if a newer cheap port isn't available. i think one or 2 gamestores nearby have copies too, both at market value of course Sad
United States
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« Reply #132 on: June 18, 2014, 12:32:15 AM »

I hope I find my copy of II haha. I'd drop a ben frank on it - it's that good IMO. Don't think I've ever transferred a saved file over to II so I'm looking forward to that. I spent way more time playing it as a teen than the first.

Part of me wants to jump into II asap but I can hold off if we decide to do it in the future. I'll just finish FFX again Tongue

@banana i'd reply to your PM but every time I try my CPU starts freezing haha (MacBook overload, gotta reset soon Sad)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 12:47:42 AM by h1ghw1nd » Logged
United States
Posts: 1611

« Reply #133 on: June 18, 2014, 12:47:41 AM »

I applaud you for playing without the guide or even the recruits guide for so long. That's the way Konami wanted it. Imagine someone finding the hardest character to find and then getting to brag about it at school to everyone else. "GASP, you got one-oh-EIGHT???" You would be wanting to bring your memory card to everyones house for proof ha!

What does everyone think of the soundtrack? Any favorite tracks? I just got to probably my favorite section of the game, after Qlon Temple's cave when you hear that pan flute and strings come in for "Days Past." Gets me ready to do what I gotta do.

I have always strived to play all my games purely the first time around, then, if they are ones I enjoyed, following a guide to experience all the stuff I missed. Finding out why I miss stuff in games is always the most en-fun-riating (my play on words combining fun and enfuriating), reasons I play most of me games twice in this fashion.

Your second comment on the soundtrack is difficult to respond to...as I haven't played any games with the sound on for like 3-4 years. I live in cramped quarters and since I play after everyone else is asleep, I leave the sound down super low. I am probably missing out on a lot in many games because of this, but I tend to think of it as another reason to play the games again when I get a more distant space to play games in. Playing a game without sound, and then playing it again with sound will be like experiencing a whole different game. But on the flipside, sound can make important moments even more impactful, and if I experience them without sound, the play-through with sound may not be as shocking or impactful as it could have been the first time seeing, (and hearing) it.

United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #134 on: June 18, 2014, 08:17:46 AM »

I created a new thread for everyone to weigh in on the possibility of playing Suikoden II: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14115.0.  Unfortunately, a PSN version is not available at this time, and there have been people petitioning for years to get it. Howver, the game recently earned a rating (Teen) and for some accounts I have read, this could mean a release soon. I think it might be nice to have a playthrough party on it's release, but with no timetable, it's still up in the air as to whether this may or may not happen. I agree that Suikoden II is probably a great game and worth the price point (I picked it up recently for around $80), but I understand that this price is not within the budget of many of our members.

I'd like to hear from our community about this topic, so let's please move further discussion there and save this thread for commentary on the current playthrough.  Thanks guys!

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
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