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June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
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Topic: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden (Read 36389 times)
Naked Koei Dude
Blog Writer
Posts: 3255
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #60 on:
June 07, 2014, 06:14:36 PM »
Level Pahn's ass up whether you like him or not. You have infinite money right?
Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte
Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
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Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #61 on:
June 07, 2014, 07:08:10 PM »
Quote from: SirPsycho on June 07, 2014, 06:14:36 PM
Level Pahn's ass up whether you like him or not.
Fair enough.
(hover to show)
Pahn has a one on one duel with Teo in which he has to be over a certain level and weapon level to survive. If he dies, it's permanent. In my game he died on the first blow because I never used him. Sayonara.
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Naked Koei Dude
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Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #62 on:
June 07, 2014, 07:23:08 PM »
EVERYBODY AVOID THAT SPOILER. Its one of the best moments in the game. Just level Pahn up.
Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte
Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
Posts: 416
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #63 on:
June 07, 2014, 07:49:17 PM »
I pretty much have infinite money, at least for a very long time it will seem infinite.
Only read if your GG or SP haha
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Kinda wondering if Pahn should die in my new story arch where Teo does not approve of his actions in Gregminster even if he's against Tir's actions. Hahaha am I cold for that?Does Tir/Gremio/Cleo fully forgive him for basically being the end of Ted?
[edit] does this have consequences on the 108 stars if he dies will it only be 107?
Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 07:52:56 PM by h1ghw1nd
Naked Koei Dude
Blog Writer
Posts: 3255
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #64 on:
June 07, 2014, 08:03:33 PM »
If any of the 108 Stars permanently dies then one does not get the best ending, and you won't get a perfect save to convert over to Suikoden II.
Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte
Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
it's not that bad...You can barely notice it.
Posts: 1909
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #65 on:
June 08, 2014, 10:03:39 AM »
I just finished the dwarf caves, and some things are still confusing me.
What do I do with crystals? I can't equip them or anything and they aren't like runes, so do I just leave them in my inventory and I get those abilities that way?
Are certain characters better fit for specific runes/rune pieces or does it not matter?
And I'm having no luck figuring out who to unite with who. I think I'm just gonna look at the spoilers because mt patience is gone.
Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 10:10:35 AM by RetroRage
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Naked Koei Dude
Blog Writer
Posts: 3255
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #66 on:
June 08, 2014, 11:28:12 AM »
Crystals are runes. You need to equip them at a rune shop. Each character in this game only has one rune slot, which makes equipping them a bit of a chore.
I was thinking about making a quick rune guide based on what runes everybody should have just from treasure chests. I'm not in the game right now but there are some I can think of off the top of my head.
Counter - Viktor (his accuracy is crap, counters never miss though)
Killer - Pahn is the best choice around the dwarf events
Lightning - Cleo (single target spells are best for bosses)
Most unite attacks aren't worth it. If you want to collect them to just watch them once I'd do some party switching near the end of the game. The only one really worth anything right now is Tir and Kai's Master and Pupil unite.
Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte
Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
RFG Moderator
Posts: 3928
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #67 on:
June 08, 2014, 12:20:59 PM »
I can't tell if this game is really addictive, or if the clunky and tedious systems combined with a little ocd are just sucking the hours away. MUST. GO. OUTSIDE.
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Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #68 on:
June 08, 2014, 02:54:57 PM »
I really like our site's spoiler system, but I also enjoy seeing posts telling me to stay away, since they do seem a bit overused and I never know if it is small or significant. I also like directing spoilers at individuals to answer questions and whatnot in order to keep everyone else in control of their playthroughs.
Quote from: GrayGhost81 on June 08, 2014, 12:20:59 PM
I can't tell if this game is really addictive, or if the clunky and tedious systems combined with a little ocd are just sucking the hours away. MUST. GO. OUTSIDE.
I think it is the OCD, because I know that is what is keeping me on track to get all the character despite my issues with the lack of in-depth stories that I want to have with each of them. ha ha
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Naked Koei Dude
Blog Writer
Posts: 3255
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #69 on:
June 08, 2014, 08:00:19 PM »
I got past the week 2 checkpoint last night.
This spoiler is safe.
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Dont kill the generals. They're stars and you cant get the best ending without them.
Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back... - Morte
Well I, for one, plan on discovering the secrets of the multiverse by rubbing cottage cheese on my belly and eating vast quantities of fresh-water fish. Mmm... cheese. -The Nameless One
Sega Dreamcast
Posts: 1772
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #70 on:
June 08, 2014, 09:53:54 PM »
just pasted Week 3
I really need to stop playing it, but I can put it down. I have my hero at almost level 50.
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also the Cup game in my Castle is still a set pattern besides what is said online. if you need more money.
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Posts: 1611
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #71 on:
June 08, 2014, 10:54:52 PM »
Another question I thought of that might help me both keep my playthrough pure and get everyone recruited is to ask if there are any characters with a point of no return?
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
it's not that bad...You can barely notice it.
Posts: 1909
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #72 on:
June 09, 2014, 01:15:29 AM »
Sorta spoiler?
(hover to show)
I beat that stupid dragon and wasted all my medicine in the process, then immediately got destroyed by that Kwanda dude. And that random unique battle thing you fight him in is...interesting. No explanation, no warning, you just go with it and hope for the best. That, and the random massive unit battle against the Imperial forces. Again no explanation, no warning. Seems fair. Now I have to start over again from the burned elf village.
I don't need a massive tutorial because generally i hate tutorials, but give me SOME explanation. Anything.
I gotta say, and no offense to you guys who are big fans of this game, but the flaws are mounting and its really beginning to turn me off. I'll do my best to complete the game though.
Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 01:42:16 AM by RetroRage
[img width=468 height=60]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/banners/generated/collection/retrorage.png[/img]
Posts: 1611
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #73 on:
June 09, 2014, 01:52:21 AM »
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels there are some flaws with this one. And more than just my preference. In all things, it is good to understand the good and the bad.
In response to the above spoiler:
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I was also surprised by the new battle systems that introduced themselves at this point. But I enjoyed the change, it made me like this game a lot more than I originally did at the start, and I hope there are many more duels and army clashes ahead, since those felt different and more in depth than I am used to
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
Posts: 1611
Re: June Retro Community Playthrough - Suikoden
Reply #74 on:
June 09, 2014, 03:59:46 AM »
All right, once again I have to force myself to stop, otherwise I might just finish this tonight. ha ha Couple thoughts to leave you all with at this point...
1. I love Pahn even more now. When you talk to him in the castle, all he has to say is: "Where's my food?" ha ha ha That is definitely something I relate to.
2. My issues with the lack of character building are even less of an issue now that I have moved forward. They each play a perfect role in the game, you could very easily just assess each person as a number in battle and add them in as a form of experience, or an "item" you pick up, say...3 Thieves, 3 strategists, etc. But having a picture, name, and physical person in our base gives me the perfect sense of individuality for the role they play in this story, while also literally showing me that me "Army" is growing. Which allows me to focus on the playable characters I enjoy or at least want to play. As for the others that don't fit these molds...well, they are the replay value factor missing from so many other RPG's.
3. Something I still am lost on are rune pieces. What are the elemental attributes? I have gone with water for Tir, and I can see that means HP regen. But what do the others do? and who would benefit the most from having the others equipped?
I hope all of you are enjoying this as much as I am.
Finally, I hope I am not coming off the wrong way saying this, but I would really love to get some more people talking about what they find, even if they are just small quotes that you enjoyed/disliked. First timers like me...I am challenging you to get some posts going and give some feedback on how you feel and what you think on your first time playing this game.
Thank you for already sharing yours, RetroRage!
I left that in as a strikeout so I don't confuse anyone about why I edited and add this, but I didn't realize there were only 8 of us playing this together. I thought there would be more. Instead of asking for some more feedback from those I thought were being silent during our time shared...I need to find a way to encourage more people to join in on these. ha ha
Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 04:03:18 AM by Boshamp
[img width=500 height=100]http://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/Boshamp33.png[/img]
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