Genre Restructuring Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
We still have a few things to address, namely Act/Adv. Wikipedia has some good genre definitions but it does state that they're also not universally agreed upon and broad. Nonetheless I think it's still a good idea to break up some of the genres to not have all the entries lumped up into the same ones. So I'm proposing the following guidelines, starting in this post with Action and Adventure.
Action Adventure
Doing away with the idea of having "Action/Adventure" encompass this huge area of games. Instead "Action Adventure" is now referring to a wide genre that includes both action and adventure elements but doesn't include pure action or pure adventure games. This can be challenging to organize at times but I feel that it's important to have for organizing purposes.
Action Adventure games engage both reflexes and problem-solving, in both violent and non-violent situations. They may require many of the same physical skills as action games, but also offer a storyline, numerous characters, an inventory system, dialogue, and other features of adventure games. Examples include Zelda, God of War, Tomb Raider, Beyond Good and Evil, Resident Evil, Hitman, GTA etc.
First Person
Third Person
Survival Horror
In a nutshell, the game should have actiony, reaction time based gameplay but also have adventure elements with problem solving, inventory, NPCs, text and stories that
influence your gameplay experience.
Pure action games have gameplay based on real-time interactions that challenge the reflexes. There can be some text, story, or NPCs but they are never the main focus. (Think Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie- if those small Adventure elements weren't there, the gameplay style wouldn't change.)
Beat'Em Up
Hack N' Slash
Swipe N' Slice
Run N' Gun
Action Puzzle
In a nutshell, reaction time or reflex games, story elements are non-existent or there to provide context and not deepen the gameplay.
Pure adventure games have situational problems for the player to solve, with very little or no action. If there is action, it is generally confined to isolated minigames. The gameplay revolves around the story elements.
Point & Click
Choose Your Own Adventure
Visual Novel
Interactive Video
In a nutshell, games that require textual problem solving.