-"Car Racing LCD, Tennis LCD, Basketball LCD, 2 different Baseball LCD, Space Invaders LCD, Brick Game 9999 in 1, and Grand Prix Brick Game, were rejected for the following reason:
Needs more information"
Most of these are really old, they have no manual and barely any info themselves. Just because they're not in the handheld museum website, they aren't approved?
If I could at least upload a photo along with the submission to differenciate it from the ones in the database...
What else can I do?
I couldn't find pics (much less any info) for any of them around the web, except for the Space Invaders game:
http://www.bonanza.com/li...2-PERSON-ARCADE-/42237170-"Pokemon Pikachu was rejected for the following reason:
Needs more info"
Really? Pokemon Pikachu 2 is already in the database, why not add the first one too?
https://en.wikipedia.org/...ki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Pikachu_2-"Your submission for Quiz Wiz General Knowledge was rejected for the following reason:
We (the staff) decided not to include the Quiz Wiz in the DB so this doesn't belong here"
May I ask why?
I also find extremely annoying that I have to start from scratch when I want to re-submit something that was rejected or was asked to submit in a different section. Is all the info from my previous rejected submission deleted?
Having to look for the item in my house, after it was stored, is a pain. And even more, finding and typing the info I had already researched the first time around.