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RF Generation Message Board | Collecting | Sales Extravaganza | F/S-NES,SNES,GENESIS,Rares & Japanese Shmups. Much more to come! 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. « previous next »
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Author Topic: F/S-NES,SNES,GENESIS,Rares & Japanese Shmups. Much more to come!  (Read 1363 times)
United States
Posts: 13


Champion of
« on: March 05, 2014, 04:12:59 PM »

I will be posting a good sized part of my collection over the next few months. I have a little bit of everything! I will be selling Japanese games shmups and maybe even some of my japanese figures. i have some feedback at Racketboy and will link my Ebay account also. I will add pictures as i have time if anyone has any questions or would like a photo i will send them to you as soon as i get the message.

CIB=Complete In Box/C=Cart Only/I=Instructions/D=disc/GH=Greatest Hits/BL=Black Label
Cart based games are cart only unless stated/Disc based games are CIB unless stated
Shipping is not included in the prices listed
Ask me anything and i will do what i can to help/Any offer is considered
If you buy more the price goes down
Sorry but please try and shoot for 20 minimum purchase.... Thanks
No international shipping right now....Thanks

All NES Cart Only
After Burner -$5
Astyanax -$3
Bad Dudes 3x -$5
Bart Vs. the space mutants -$5
Bart Vs. the World -$4
Blaster Master -$5
Bobble Bubble -$17
Bump and Jump -$5
Captain sky hawk -$3
Cobra Triangle -$5
Contra 2x -$20
Destination Earth star -$2
Defender 2 -$4
Donkey Kong Classic -$10
Double dragon 2 -$10
Double Dragon 3 2x -$15
Dr. Mario -$5
Exite bike 2x -$6
Festers Quest -$4
Nes play action Football  -$3
Friday the 13th -$5
Gauntlet -$10
Gauntlet 2 -$10
Ghostbusters -$6
Goonies II 2x -$5
Gotcha -$2
Guerrilla War -$5
Gyromite 2x -$4
Home Alone -$5
Hollywood squares-$2
Ikari Warriors II -$4
infiltrator -$3
Karate kid -$4
Klax -$3
Legacy of the wizard -$4
Legend of kage -$4
Legendary Wings -$5
Legend of Zelda Gold2x -$17
Legend of Zelda II -$12
Little Nemo the Dream Master-$8
Low G Man -$4
Marble Madness -$4
Metal Gear -$7
Metroid (yellow) -$15
Metroid x2 -15
Micky Mousecapade -$4
Mighty Bomb Jack -$6
Millipede -$4
Mike tyson's punch out 4x -$18
Narc -$5
Nintendo World Cup -$3
Othello 2x -$2
Platoon -$3
P.o.w -$5
Q-bert -$6
R.B.I Base Ball -$4
R.C. Pro Am -$3
Rad Racer -$3
Renegade -$3
Robocop 2x -$3
Rygar -$6
Rush'n attack -$3
Solomons key -$5
Spy Vs. Spy -$4
Star force -$3
Star voyager -$3
Super glove ball -$3
Super sprint -$3
Super mario bros. -$5
Super mario bros. triple 3x -$4
Super mario bros/duck hunt 3x -$4
Super mario 2 3x -$12
Super mario 3 2x -$10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -$4
Tetris 2x -$5
Thundercade -$4
Ultima Exodus -$5
Who Framed Roger Rabbit -$6
Wrecking crew 2x -$8
Wrestle mania -$3
Zanac -$4

Beethoven The Ultimate Canine Caper -$5 C/I
Dino City -$10 C/I + Poster
Harley's Humongous Adventure -$4
Jurassic Park -$5
The Legend Of Zelda A Link To The Past -$30
Super Battle Tank War In The Gulf -$4
Super Mario World -$12
Super R-Type -$6
Super Solitaire -$4 C/I
Tiny Toon Adventure Buster Busts Loose -$6 C/I Fair Con.
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends -$10 C/I Fair Con. + Poster
Vegas Stakes -$2
We're Back A Dinosaur's Story -$6 C/I
Whizz -$5
Spoiler (hover to show)
Spoiler (hover to show)
[img width=700 height=525]http://imageshack.com/a/img811/7828/wdqz.jpg[/img]

Castlevania -$7
Conker's Bad Fur Day -$75
Glover -$5
Hey You Pikachu! -$7
Mario Kart 64 -$30
NFL Blitz 2001 -$7
Pokemon Stadium 2x -$10
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt -$4
Star Wars Rogue Squadron -$6
Super Mario 64 -$20
[img width=700 height=525]http://imageshack.com/a/img801/1575/ubzw.jpg[/img]

Cadash $50 (CIB)
Exile $35 (CIB) Instructions cover loose
The Punisher $90 (CIB)
Time Killers $65 (CIB) Very nice condition
[img width=700 height=525]http://imageshack.com/a/img853/1729/6w54.jpg[/img]

Under  Defeat $80 (JP DC)

XBOX 360
Espgaluda II Black Label $40
Mushihimesama Futari (Platinum Collection) $40
[img width=700 height=351]http://imageshack.com/a/img199/3399/r967.jpg[/img]

Nintendo DS
New Super Mario Bros. -$12 CB

Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles -$15
Final Fantasy VII-Crisis Core -$12
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories -$10
Metal Gear Acid -$12
Metal Gear Acid 2 -$12
Parappa The Rapper -$6
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters -$7
Star Ocean First Departure -$22
Star Ocean Second Evolution -$22
Worms Open Warefare 2 -$10
Spoiler (hover to show)

UMD Movies
Alien -$5
Dawn Of The Dead -$5
Hackers -$5
Once Upon A Time In Mexico -$3
Spoiler (hover to show)

Burstrick Wake Boarding $2 D
Castlevania Symphony Of The Night (BL) $25 D
Digimon Rumble Arena $15
Einhander $40 D
Final Fantasy IX $10 D 1-4
Final Fantasy VII (GH) $12 D 1-3
Final Fantasy VIII $7 D 2-4
Resident Evil Director's Cut $10 D (GH)
Resident Evil 2 $7 D 1-2
Silent Hill $20 D
Spyro The Dragon (GH) $7 D
Star Ocean The Second Story -$20 D 1-2
Street Fighter Collection $25
Suikoden $15 D
Tenchu Stealth Assassins $3 D
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 $2 D
The Legend Of Dragoon $20 (BL) D 1-4
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter $20 D/Scratches works
Spoiler (hover to show)
Spoiler (hover to show)
Spoiler (hover to show)

Misc Items
Toe Jam & Earl Poster -$7
Spoiler (hover to show)
Sega Poster -$5
Spoiler (hover to show)

Rfgenerations Profile
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 07:03:18 PM by disloyalhead » Logged

Shadow Kisuragi
Variant Collector
United States
Posts: 10853
Awards: 2013 Fantasy Football Winner

« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 05:43:44 PM »



...ugh. It makes me glad I grabbed my copy (sans tattoo) for $15 a couple years ago. Good luck on the sale, and I may grab a few things from you if I find some available money.

United States
Posts: 13


Champion of
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 06:36:38 PM »

Sorry about the price. It has the tattoo insert how much more is it worth with it do you think? I have never saw one with it until i got this one.

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