I had no intention of trying a PSP, but since my PC isn't over here yet and I'm living in a hotel, there's really not that much to do. One of the other guys staying has a PSP though, and I have to say that Wario Ware: Touched has had more than a few outings (especially the Retro mode might I add).
They are great little consoles, innovative and fun, but god the screen now looks like someone has given it a going over with some kind of sandpaper. I believe there are some screen protector things, but I wouldn't really want to spend so much on a handheld to have to buy screen protectors every 5 minutes.
I saw a funny advert in a Dutch magazine over here, with 4 guys sitting around a table. 3 were playing on PSPs and the other had a DS. On the DS guy's screen, as if trying to communicate with the others, it read 'anybody up for a game of pokemon? guys? hello? why is everybody ignoring me!?'. Can't find an image online but I thought it was a great advert