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RF Generation Message Board | Gaming | Community Playthroughs (Moderators: techwizard, singlebanana, wildbil52, GrayGhost81, Disposed Hero, MetalFRO) | March Retro Community Playthrough - Phantasy Star 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. « previous next »
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Author Topic: March Retro Community Playthrough - Phantasy Star  (Read 37426 times)
United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #90 on: March 10, 2014, 09:03:30 AM »

That's a very good recommendation Addicted. You'll need a certain something before going to Medusa's Tower douglie.

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
Do you even Sega?
Posts: 605


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« Reply #91 on: March 10, 2014, 12:10:09 PM »

I got the Hovercraft, LandRover and Flute 2 days ago, and I have been running around trying to find the next thing to do, any help.. do I go to the Medusa's tower now ?

Not yet. In fact, there are a few things you can do before that. The below is not much of a spoiler, but a slight nudge in the right direction...

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Spoiler (hover to show)

Do not read below unless you're past Medusa's tower

Spoiler (hover to show)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 12:13:53 PM by JerryGreenwood » Logged
Sega Dreamcast
United States
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« Reply #92 on: March 10, 2014, 08:56:59 PM »

That's a very good recommendation Addicted. You'll need a certain something before going to Medusa's Tower douglie.

thanks to all of you, I think Im going to keep grinding for now, I still dont have enough for the Diamond Armor Im at 8000. @Addicted I think I found that already. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 08:59:12 PM by douglie007 » Logged

Do you even Sega?
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Champion of
« Reply #93 on: March 11, 2014, 01:14:01 PM »

@ Douglie - If you found the thing Addicted was talking about, did you find out how/where to use it?
United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #94 on: March 13, 2014, 09:39:58 AM »

It's been a little quiet in the last few days on this thread. How are we progressing gents?

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
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Posts: 82

« Reply #95 on: March 13, 2014, 11:41:08 AM »

I think I'll reach the checkpoint 2 in 3-4 hours of playing-time. I got the Iron Fang (as you suggested), and had them "upgraded" now into the Silver Fang. I did explore Palma a little bit more, and now have the Spaceship...I think I will expolore a little more to get the flute and the hovercraft.
I played on an older tube-tv with better colours, which made the game even more fun.
And the Manticor-enemies for example "chat".

Did you find any other already?
Do you even Sega?
Posts: 605


Champion of
« Reply #96 on: March 13, 2014, 12:19:16 PM »

I'm playing on an older tube tv too, but the other night my TV (hopefully not my SMS) started flickering and making a bad sound so I quickly turned the game off. I've been too scared to turn it on again, but tonight I'll summon the courage.

***OT - I've been meaning to ask this for a while. I've had a problem with either my systems or my TVs lately. I used to play my Genesis on a big flat screen and sometimes after 20 minutes or so the screen would dim and it would eventually be unplayable. I assumed it was my Genesis because no other systems did this. Then my other systems had the same problem so I switched TVs. I went to a old tube flat screen and it worked great, but then my PlayStation started having the same problem. I was able to "fix" this by slapping the side of my PlayStation, but still, I shouldn't have to smack my PlayStation every time I want to play. And as I've said above, I've been using a CRT with Phantasy Star and now this is having issues. Is it all my TVs or all my systems or a combination?***

I think the only enemies you can TALK with are the North Farmers, East Farmers, and Barbarians.

You can CHAT with Manitcors,  Sphinx' (plural of Sphinx?) and Tarantulas. Off the top of my head, I don't think you can CHAT with Ant Lions, but you shouldn't be fighting them on purpose anyway.

I'm assuming you have TELE for Noah and this is not a spoiler. With TELE you can communicate with 3 different enemy types. I'll let you figure it out Smiley

« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 12:47:50 PM by JerryGreenwood » Logged
Disposed Hero
RFG Moderator
United States
Posts: 1863
Awards: 2013 RFGeneration KING OF RAGE

« Reply #97 on: March 14, 2014, 08:29:12 AM »

I'm still plugging away at this one.  I forgot that we actually had checkpoints that we were supposed to stop at, so I'm way ahead right now.  I'm actually pretty close to the end of the game.  Specifically

Spoiler (hover to show)

United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #98 on: March 14, 2014, 09:18:47 AM »

Yeah, you seem to be nearing the end Disposed. Good luck!

I actually finished the game last night. Smiley  A very enjoyable playthrough if I say so myself. Very glad that I had a chance to play this classic.

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
Do you even Sega?
Posts: 605


Champion of
« Reply #99 on: March 14, 2014, 10:31:39 AM »

@ Disposed - Prepare for an extreme challenge.
RFG Moderator
Posts: 3839

« Reply #100 on: March 14, 2014, 10:53:06 PM »

working on sorting out a week 3 checkpoint so i've been playing ahead, really enjoying this game! so much going for it with only a few negative points i can think of. i'm scared of the challenge singlebanana and jerry mentioned up ahead but everyone is at least level 22 or 23, and he said he finished the game at 25 so i'm not too worried.
RFG Moderator
Posts: 3839

« Reply #101 on: March 15, 2014, 02:41:12 AM »

Week 3 and 4 checkpoints are up!
Atari Lynx
Posts: 2617

« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2014, 07:49:32 PM »

Haven't played in a few days. I will hopefully try and catch up to finish.

Complete NA NES collection (minus Stadium Events)
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Posts: 82

« Reply #103 on: March 17, 2014, 10:55:41 AM »

keeping the forum-noise alive:

i went to checkpoint 2 last saturday and will test out the ice planet before entering Medusas Tower. The Laconian sword and Frad Mantle are already in my inventory and i needed some extra grinding to finally get them. The Marauder-Magic and "Nessie/Giant Snake"enemies with the fire-attack against my people have been proven to be to strong in my first tries.

Do you guys still have fun and found the litte SEGA easter egg?
United States
Posts: 7081

« Reply #104 on: March 17, 2014, 11:24:17 AM »

I think that because this game is so non-linear, it's a bit of a challenge to set checkpoints in which everyone will have the same gear and will have finished the same dungeons. The ice planet has several dungeons and will take up a lot of your time, plus the final dungeons are very difficult to navigate.  Luckily, we have a few more days during this month to beat the game, so I hope that everyone will buckle down and finish.

i went to checkpoint 2 last saturday and will test out the ice planet before entering Medusas Tower. The Laconian sword and Frad Mantle are already in my inventory and i needed some extra grinding to finally get them. The Marauder-Magic and "Nessie/Giant Snake"enemies with the fire-attack against my people have been proven to be to strong in my first tries.

Do you guys still have fun and found the litte SEGA easter egg?

I don't think that tackling the ice planet before Medusa's Tower would be a problem, but you're not going to find the item you need for Medusa's Tower there. If you don't have this item, shoot me a PM and I can help you obtain it rather quickly if you're interested. Good luck!

RFGen Co-Director; pinball, 2600 & NES nutjob, co-host of the RFGen
 Community Playthrough and the RFGen Playcast. Listen/Download on iTunes and Podbean: www.rfgplaycast.com

Complete licensed NA NES, U.S. SMS, NA Vectrex, and Microvision sets!, 11 left for 7800, 25 for 5200, 42 for Colecovision
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