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Author Topic: The Gaming Diary: Chapter 2  (Read 257714 times)
Blog Writer
United States
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« Reply #1665 on: June 30, 2014, 09:19:33 AM »

Been playing a lot of GTAV. That's about it for now.

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« Reply #1666 on: June 30, 2014, 09:50:48 PM »

Just about wrapped up AYSTa5thG:GT hopefully within an hour or 2 tomorrow we are done.

Played a bit more Warface.

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« Reply #1667 on: July 01, 2014, 04:28:42 PM »

Qui Veut Gagner des Millions? (FR Ver) (WP)
All versions done finally.

Also finished Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Game Time. Of course when i have ~15 minutes left to do in the game someone else jumps into our party and says "Hey think you could give me a hand?!" So i'll probably be sinking another 3+ hours into the game so he can finish the online.

While i was intentionally losing in 5th grader to guy #2 i was working towards some achievements in Angry Birds Space.

The King of Hyrule
Posts: 4158

« Reply #1668 on: July 02, 2014, 09:23:18 AM »

Sonic the Fighters (PS3/PSN) - Only need to beat this with Amy and then I can call this a completion.

Shadow Kisuragi
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« Reply #1669 on: July 02, 2014, 10:12:04 AM »

Qui Veut Gagner des Millions? (FR Ver) (WP)
All versions done finally.

Also finished Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? Game Time. Of course when i have ~15 minutes left to do in the game someone else jumps into our party and says "Hey think you could give me a hand?!" So i'll probably be sinking another 3+ hours into the game so he can finish the online.

While i was intentionally losing in 5th grader to guy #2 i was working towards some achievements in Angry Birds Space.

Hey, think you could give me a hand with 5th Grader? I'm halfway done with the online... Wink

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« Reply #1670 on: July 02, 2014, 10:20:50 AM »

Maybe you and Flava should talk Tongue

I'd give you a hand but you are always playing XBOX ONE

Shadow Kisuragi
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Awards: 2013 Fantasy Football Winner

« Reply #1671 on: July 02, 2014, 10:53:19 AM »

Actually, the Xbox One is always on... I'm never playing it. My wife uses it during the day, and we've been watching maybe an hour of Hulu or Netflix when I get home. I've been on my Xbox 360 during the week in the mornings playing SFIV, and I've been playing my 360 on the weekends.

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« Reply #1672 on: July 03, 2014, 03:04:03 PM »

Finally got back to Crackdown last night. Did a few more races. I think i left off about half way done. Taking anywhere from 6-20 minutes a race. The 20 minute ones involve me taking the "guaranteed win" play style (back track on the course and start blowing up opponents as they round a corner) but messing up and having my vehicle get destroyed in the process and then having to run the track on foot.

Started Charlie Murder today. Great game for free glad i didn't buy it though. Castle Crashers/Scott Pilgrim style game. Just gorier.
Idling Warface right now.

Also finished Angry Birds Star Wars II yesterday. Last thing i had to do was hit 24 hours of play time.
Decided to start working towards Angry Birds Star Wars. Since all i have left to do is run up the in game clock it isn't going to take much effort....

Then i did some probably horrific guesstimation type math and figure i have 2.5-5 hours (depending on special events) left in Tetris Blitz. So i am going to try and knock that out this week also.

Shadow Kisuragi
Variant Collector
United States
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Awards: 2013 Fantasy Football Winner

« Reply #1673 on: July 03, 2014, 03:17:56 PM »

You know you can restart a Crackdown race and use the Agency Super Car, right?

Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 2373

« Reply #1674 on: July 03, 2014, 03:35:18 PM »

Played Guacamelee on Xbox One last night.  It's as great as I remember but it's a log like starting Super Metroid from the beginning right after finishing it.  You miss the endgame abilities when you start over.  Still, fantastic game.

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« Reply #1675 on: July 03, 2014, 04:35:18 PM »

You know you can restart a Crackdown race and use the Agency Super Car, right?

I still run the risk of my vehicle getting destroyed over the course of 3 laps though.
So then if my car dies on lap 3 i get passed while running on foot and have wasted all that time i could have spent on a successful run by either
1) racing correctly in the default car (both passing and failing would take less time as there is no set up required)
2) blowing up the other cars while ensuring mine is not in blast zone. (Something i failed to do 2x last night out of 10 races.)

My 20 minute race last night was because on lap 3 ~6 minuets in my car died. So then i had to restart the race and instead blew up all the other cars (including my own) and then had to run around the track for ~13 minutes.

Forgot to mention. Started Microsoft Jackpot. Between this and Bingo i don't understand how MS won't bankrupt every Win8 PC owner over the age of 72

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« Reply #1676 on: July 03, 2014, 06:15:20 PM »

Played Dead or Alive 5 today. Fun game, but I'm already done with it. Did the story, the arcade mode, time trial, survival and a bunch of online matches. I was surprised to still find players online, as there are "upgraded" versions of the game out.
Cryptid Collector
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« Reply #1677 on: July 03, 2014, 11:37:19 PM »

I'm really enjoying Killer is Dead.

Some of the reviewers made it sounds like a horrible, sexist mess but the racy parts aren't actually explicit at all and the game has a nice mindscrew-y vibe to it complete with weird and trippy settings. 

They're so hell-bent on giving, walking a wire
Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire

-Garth Brooks/Standing Outside The Fire

Blog Writer
United States
Posts: 3928

« Reply #1678 on: July 04, 2014, 08:32:23 AM »

Still working on GTAV, but the initial wow factor has worn off and it's getting kind of tedious.

Fetch quest.


Fetch quest.


Fetch quest.


Rage quit. Fuck this game.

Postmaster General; Wielder of the Mighty Banhammer
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« Reply #1679 on: July 04, 2014, 10:58:31 PM »

Had intended to play more Charlie Murder or Crackdown today... Instead i got sucked into Warface again.

Also played World of Tanks for a bit since i saw they were offering 5x XP(it was a lie. It only counts for the first usage of the tank of the day.) Really like all the changes they have made since i last played.

AAaaaannnnd played a bunch more Tetris Blitz. I should have already finished it but it seems like my line counter is either stuck, got reset, or is waiting for the tracker (that was patched in later) to catch up before giving me the achievement for 100k line clears.

Also "played" Microsoft Jackpot a bunch. Since i can click "autoplay" though i guess that doesn't really count :p

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