Almost finished with Royal Envoy.
The Alphajax community is atrocious so i might just set up a second account and play against myself so i can finish it.
Wait 24-36-indefinite hours for someone to take a turn. Stupid
It was much better on the phone with the notifications. Not sure how Windows handles that.
I know PC games get notifications pushed to phone.
But the phone version of the game was pretty terrible too. I just ran into a ton more names i recognized playing that so i knew games would get finished.
I ended up setting up a second profile and finishing the remaining achievements in 1 game. Now i just need to wait for a patch so the games played achievements will pop.
Started Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Win8. Platformer looks like it might be boring.
Decided not to grind the last hour or 2 of Royal Envoy.
Going to see if i have space on my HD for the new Spartacus Legends on my 360.
Free to download. Apparently it is 2 gigs. I expect it will end up being freemium. I hope i am wrong.